the artist’s rule

Written by Mandy Thompson

She’s just a girl with a guitar. And, in a perfect world, Mandy would spend her days writing songs and soaking up the sun. But, life is life. And, while not perfect, her life is good. She serves as Director of Congregational Services at The Chapel, in Brunswick GA. If you asked her about her position, she’d say her main course involves developing worship experiences, with a side of creative design and social media for dessert. Tasty!

May 8, 2012

“As you make art or write, the process is a container for awareness. Everything that rises up—judgments, blocks, insights—is a reflection of the whole of your life.” Christine Valters Paintner in The Artist’s Rule

I sat in the corner of my kitchen yesterday morning and spent the early hour reading, meditating, and responding. I was asked, by the written words found in The Artist’s Rule, to consider what it is that even draws me to this book—this twelve-week journey of “nurturing your creative soul with monastic wisdom.”

My answer came easily: It’s the contemplations of a soul both finding its voice and hearing A Voice all in the same brushstroke.

Those brushstrokes heal me. I am, at heart, an artist. I have paintings and songs and writings that hold my tears and, at times, have held my prayers.

Oh but not now. The deep-down part of me is silent, waiting. This prayerlessness has led to a homesickness. So I pick up this book because it speaks to my homesick-soul and I hope it will bring me back to those places I’ve long forgotten, where His presence was so real I could feel it on my shoulders.

I didn’t feel it on my shoulders yesterday morning, but I felt something lift during that early hour: Lightness. Slow dawn. Feet on familiar path.



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the artist’s rule

by Mandy Thompson time to read: 1 min