by Rev. Dan King | Nov 7, 2012 | book reviews, READ
The first time it hit me that I was missing something was during a mission trip Africa. A Kenyan pastor was taking us around to a few homes of members in his congregation. I stood in the kitchen (a half-enclosed shed with a fire pit in the middle of the structure),...
by Rev. Dan King | Nov 6, 2012 | activist faith, haiti, poverty, SERVE
[serialposts] “No education, no future. With education, dreams come true!” I discovered these words scribbled in chalk on a door while visiting a very poor community during a recent mission trip. It’s a statement that’s stuck with me as...
by Rev. Dan King | Oct 15, 2012 | activist faith, haiti, missions, orphan care, poverty, SERVE
[serialposts]I’ve really been having a tough time holding it together over the past week. Even as I sit here a few days after my return home, drinking my Rebo (Haitian Coffee), my eyes fill with tears as I think about the work I’ve done. I saw first-hand...
by Rev. Dan King | Oct 12, 2012 | activist faith, haiti, missions, orphan care, poverty, SERVE
[serialposts]Sometimes you just never know what God is up to. On our final full day on the ground in Haiti we had plans to head out of the Port-au-Prince area to visit a village called Drouin. When we were planning this trip, our visit to Drouin seemed mission...
by Rev. Dan King | Oct 11, 2012 | activist faith, haiti, missions, orphan care, poverty, SERVE
I can’t remember the last time I cried like this. As we entered the gates on the opposite side of the property, all I wanted to do was run as fast as I could to see the completed playground that my son helped build. But I showed patience. I contained myself as...