by Sandra Heska King | Dec 4, 2012 | for reflection, haiti, missions, orphan care, PRAY, SERVE
I’ve had months to get ready. But I’m not ready. I google “animals in Haiti,” “birds in Haiti,” “snakes in Haiti.” and “Haitian culture.” I immerse myself in Flickr’ed blue and red and green and pink...
by Sandra Heska King | Nov 27, 2012 | book reviews, creativity and art, PRAY
You have gifts to share. When used well, creativity isn’t just about you. It’s about what you have to give. It’s about leaving a mark, changing lives, and sparking a legacy that others can pass on. Back in the day–way back–I enjoyed wrapping gifts. My mom often talked...
by Sandra Heska King | Nov 20, 2012 | for reflection, life of worship, PRAY, spiritual practice
All moments funnel into one, swirl faster in eye-blurring fury and collide, shatter in slow motion. Metal against metal. I see the bike spin and slide across the concrete. D slams the car to a stop in the middle of the road and leaps out. I freeze in my seat,...
by Sandra Heska King | Nov 13, 2012 | for reflection, life of worship, PRAY
I see the point of a soft pink triangle that cuts between two pine trees to the southeast, and a sparrow lands on a bare branch just outside my window. I peel back the Target-bought shabby chic quilt, the white one striped with pink roses, and slide from between crisp...
by Sandra Heska King | Nov 5, 2012 | engaged in culture, for reflection, PRAY
In you, Lord my God, I put my trust. ~Psalm 25:1 (NIV) We stopped at a dingy dive somewhere along the Illinois River where a group of locals played cards at a back table. My husband ordered a fish sandwich, and even he who can eat everything could not stomach the huge...