by Mark Lafler | Jul 22, 2011 | theology and worldviews
[serialposts]So what is postmillennialism? The postmillennialist believes that Christ Jesus returns to complete the millennium. Thus, the “post” in postmillennialism signifies that the second coming is after the millennium. This position has seen a...
by Mark Lafler | Jul 19, 2011 | book reviews
In The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate (IVP, 2009), professor John H. Walton writes a very informative book regarding the interpretation of Genesis 1 and the ongoing debate concerning origins. The book is divided into 18 short...
by Mark Lafler | Jul 15, 2011 | bible literacy, READ, theology and worldviews
[serialposts]So what is premillenialism? The premillennialist believes that Christ Jesus returns before the millennium. The “pre” in premillennialism signifies that the second coming is before the millennium. The most fundamental tenet of this position is...
by Mark Lafler | Jul 8, 2011 | authentic christianity
Last week I asked a question about what you would change about the church if God granted you the ability to change one thing. Some of the things people wanted to see change in included: Christian apathy More open discussion with people who are different...
by Mark Lafler | Jul 1, 2011 | for reflection
If God gave you the ability to instantly change one thing in the contemporary church what would it be? Now when you answer the question think about the word church. It could refer to your local church group, your denomination, your church community, the North...