the unlikely missionary

The Unlikely Missionary: From Pew-Warmer to Poverty-Fighter

In addition to the stories of people and experiences from a trip to Africa, the book is full of practical ideas and exercises that will challenge you discover world-changing passion whether it takes you half-way around the world or keeps you right at home in your own backyard.

Book Description:

At some point in their life, most Christians have walked through the doors of their church on Sunday morning and wondered what it really means to live a Christian life. Unfortunately, few ever do more than warm a pew on Sunday and try to be a “good person” throughout the week. But the reality is…

Jesus called us to change the world… starting with ‘the least of these.’

Dan King, popular blogger at, wrestled for several years with this idea of what it means to serve like Jesus did. That is, until he started researching the topic of poverty and what the Christian response to it looks like. One little writing project triggered a series of events, like dominoes, that eventually led him on an unlikely trip to Africa. It was a trip that would change things forever.Follow Dan’s journey not only on a poverty-fighting trip through Africa, but also on the journey of discovery as the mission trip helps him find purpose and meaning in his Christian walk.In addition to the stories of people and experiences on that trip to Africa, the book is full of practical ideas and exercises that will challenge you to discover world-changing passion whether it takes you half-way around the world or keeps you right at home in your own backyard.

Where you go isn’t the important thing, but what you do with the gift you’ve been given is.

You have a unique gift, and God intends for you to use it to build His Kingdom. You can join Dan in this incredible journey today and discover a sense of purpose that will ignite your Christian faith in ways you’ve never expected!

Table of Contents:

  • foreword (by tom davis)
  • introduction
  • chapter one: beginnings [an ordinary Christian trying not to be lukewarm]
  • chapter two: finding a compass
  • chapter three: i’m on my way…
  • chapter four: culture shock
  • chapter five: investing my talents
  • chapter six: experiencing God’s creation, unfiltered
  • chapter seven: culture shock, part deux
  • chapter eight: paradigm shift
  • chapter nine: there’s no going back to ‘normal’
  • appendix: more stories from other trips

Book Endorsements:

This is a God who turns drug addicts into preachers,
who turns a boy-shepherd with a sling into a war hero,
who turns a young woman into the Savior’s mother.

This is a God who transforms pew warmers into missionaries. You know this God, yes? God is in the habit of taking regular people like you, like me, like Dan King — aka the The Bible Dude – and sending them out into the world to do his work.

Jennifer Lee

Author of "Love Idol"

What glows from this book is how King experiences the “activation” of his faith. But it’s a smart and educated activation – he doesn’t rush in to do something but instead works with people more experienced and knowledgeable. In other words, he learns.
Glynn Young

Author of "Dancing Priest, A Novel"

What I discovered in this book is not so much a “how-to” manual. Not so much a “this is the way you become a missionary” story. This is no step-by-step guide to emerging from the pew. The Unlikely Missionary is a beautiful tale of obedience and courage in being faithful to where God calls in each moment.
Laura Boggess

Author of "Playdates with God"

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