Photo by Laura Nagle
“Thin places,” the Celts call this space,
Both seen and unseen,
Where the door between the world
And the next is cracked open for a moment
And the light is not all on the other side.
God shaped space. Holy.
Poem by Sharlande Sledge
What if God is veiled by my life? By my busy-ness and distractions, by my worries and frustrations? Have I tricked myself into thinking I can’t see Him, I can’t find Him? Have I deceived myself into staring long and hard at shadows, instead of looking for the light?
What if He’s there, but I’ve draped the sheet of independence on Him, hiding from my own searching eyes?
My soul needs to find “thin places” in the veil of life, places where I may be able to peek through and catch a glimpse of His work and His glory.
What are some of your thin places? And how often do you visit them?
Great thoughts, Mandy. I went thought a long desert period of not feeling God’s presence. One of the things I learned on that journey was that I was not letting myself be found by him. I was not finding my thin places. For me, it is space, with varying company. Sometimes a journal, sometimes a Bible, often music, usually nature.
“My soul needs to find “thin places” in the
veil of life, places where I may be able to peek through and catch a
glimpse of His work and His glory.” Yes it does. Beautiful thought.
Thank you for that list, Stephanie. I’m currently contemplating the “thickness” that I experience at Church, probably due to my introversion. And maybe a few other factors. 🙂 thankfully, I’m also recognizing that Sunday morning doesn’t have to be my primary method of finding Him. Gosh I could write another post about this! But, first, I’ll go for a walk on the beach. 😉