the heart wash

the heart wash

I take my heart out to see if I can figure out what is wrong. The starter sounds fine—seems to be getting plenty of electricity. The tires are still good, lots of tread left. I haven’t changed the oil lately but I figure I have a few miles left on it. So I stand back...
forever forgive-ability of sins

forever forgive-ability of sins

Within today’s hand-clasped circles of Christianity, folks have drenched social media platforms with details of “doctor” Gosnell and his hell-tainted abortion clinic atrocities. Indeed, the light of truth needs to be shined into dark places; but...
choosing to rise above it

choosing to rise above it

[serialposts]“What are you doing,” H asks me playfully as he barges through the door. We make eye contact and the smile on his face slides to a solemn slant as he pads his way slowly into the room. “Are you crying,” he asks before I can answer his first question....