Spotlights, crazy nights, you are here to sing. Glittery shoes, smart dress, high heels, you mount the stage.
You are here to gain the crowd, to build a reputation that would last long even after you are gone.
Garner lots of awards and accolade, be termed a legend, leave a legacy and your footprints on the hall of fame.
You aren’t a superstar until you do something super. You aren’t a diva until you wow them with whatever wows them. This is your first night and it has to be good.
How many times do we treat God like the world treats us?
How many times do we see God like we see the things in the world?
God named you before he called you
God placed in you abilities before you were able
Dear diva, you can’t wow God with your performance, maybe the crowd.
He isn’t waiting for you to do something super till he calls you a superstar
You have been called so many good things not because of what you can do or have done
Get over it! True love escapes performance
It’s not about what we can do before we earn love
Rest in this Diva
Let this wow you
That you are already a star before you mounted the stage
That somehow in Christ, your story was already completed
When we let it wow us that it’s not our duty to wow the crowd before us or the audience of One, somehow we end up wowing everyone, even our maker is proud of us
But before you get to that: Let this wow you.
Dear Diva, the stage doesn’t make you a diva, the stage shows you are a diva.
Done with the lessons? Now pick up the mic and raise the roof with a beautiful song.
How do you usually see yourself, A diva after the performance or before the performance begins?