christmas, gifts, giving, abundance

“What do you all want for Christmas?”

I stammered…I found my mind racing for an answer. This should be simple right? Who doesn’t have a Christmas list yet?

“Ummm… Uh… the girls might like some clothes?”  Well that was weak.

Eventually I sputtered out a few more items for my shopper savvy mother-in-law who was going to embark and conquer the Black Friday sales. I had to race around the home finding my kids to ask them.

Surprisingly they too, were not quick to answer. (With the exception of my boy who has had his eye on a video game for 3 months already.)

It was shocking, in a wonderful and confusing way. Somehow this year our family was not caught up in the “Christmas Gimmies”.

I mulled this new revelation over for 2 days before asking my hubby if he felt that way too.

He agreed. We don’t need anything or want anything. It’s strange right?

Our focus has changed these last few months. As a family; as individuals we have been sharing God’s heart for others. We have slowly woven His words into our hearts and lives. We have put hands and feet on His commands.

In the process we discovered we already have all that we want. We are full to the brim and over flowing. We are grateful.

So when I read this all too familiar passage on Sunday morning, God lovingly revealed something I had apparently missed. My breath caught in my throat and my heart swelled as I read it again and again, taking in each word as if it was precious gold.

Passover was nearing… There were more than 5000 hungry followers sitting on the grass.

There were only 5 loaves and 2 fish.

John 6:11-13

Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.

 When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”  So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.

He gave thanks.

Each one had as much as they wanted.

There was an abundance left over.

He tells them to let nothing be wasted.

This year we have been giving thanks. We are discovering we have all that we want. We are learning to share from our abundance so that nothing is wasted.

Have we arrived?

No, but we are definitely on the right road now…

the case of the missing “Christmas gimmies”

by HeatherWindeler time to read: 2 min