group blogging project signup: servolution!

Written by Rev. Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father (bio and adopted). deacon and director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. president of fistbump media, llc.

June 9, 2009


UPDATE: This project is now full! If you are interested in future projects like this, then please subscribe to updates from this site so that you will be notified of upcoming projects like this. Everyone is also welcome to join the conversation as we post each of the chapter reviews over the next few weeks! Thank you to everyone for your overwhelming interest!

Ever since I first received my advance copy of Dino Rizzo’s new book Servolution from Zondervan, I have to admit that I’ve been somewhat obsessed with it’s message! A servolution is exactly the sort of thing that more people in the church these days need to be a part of (myself included)!

So in an effort to feed my obsession (and hopefully yours), I’d like to host a group blogging project on the book. Here’s how it will work…

  1. Totally awesome bloggers (like yourself) sign up by sending me an email telling me that you are interested.
  2. If you do not already have a copy of the book, then I will send you one.
  3. Each blogger will review a chapter of the book, and share their thoughts on it here at (and on your own blog if you want).
  4. One chapter will be featured every day until we work through the entire book.
  5. Everyone is welcome to join in the discussion and have a little fun… bibledude-style!

I plan to get this started pretty soon so that the majority of this project will happen during the week of June 20-27 which is when the focus of One Prayer 2009 will be on “Spreading God’s love by Serving.” So it will be an exciting time to generate discussion around Servolution while people all around the world are fasting and praying about the same thing!

So please let me know ASAP if you are interested, and please feel free to let others who you think may be interested know about this exciting project!


  1. Victoria

    This is an awesome, awesome idea…what a way to bring glory to God!

  2. Victoria

    This is an awesome, awesome idea…what a way to bring glory to God!

  3. Monica @ Paper Bridges

    hey, Bibledude, this is right up my alley: books and discussion. and I get a free copy! you are now my favorite blogger. (at least until somebody else gives me a free book)

  4. BibleDude

    yeah… i'm hoping that this will have a bit of impact for everyone involved. i'm really looking forward to it!

  5. BibleDude

    doh! there you go feeding my ego! 'favorite blogger' is a pretty big deal… even if it is only until someone else gives you some free free books!

    I look forward to seeing what you contribute! thanks!

  6. Monica @ Paper Bridges

    hey, Bibledude, this is right up my alley: books and discussion. and I get a free copy! you are now my favorite blogger. (at least until somebody else gives me a free book)

  7. Monica @ Paper Bridges

    hey, Bibledude, this is right up my alley: books and discussion. and I get a free copy! you are now my favorite blogger. (at least until somebody else gives me a free book)

  8. BibleDude

    yeah… i'm hoping that this will have a bit of impact for everyone involved. i'm really looking forward to it!

  9. BibleDude

    doh! there you go feeding my ego! 'favorite blogger' is a pretty big deal… even if it is only until someone else gives you some free free books!

    I look forward to seeing what you contribute! thanks!

  10. Victoria

    This is an awesome, awesome idea…what a way to bring glory to God!

  11. BibleDude

    yeah… i'm hoping that this will have a bit of impact for everyone involved. i'm really looking forward to it!

  12. BibleDude

    doh! there you go feeding my ego! 'favorite blogger' is a pretty big deal… even if it is only until someone else gives you some free free books! I look forward to seeing what you contribute! thanks!

  13. danohlerking

    great idea, dan. thanks! can't wait to see where all this goes. i'm gonna see if i can help get you some more writers to help out, too…

  14. danohlerking

    great idea, dan. thanks! can't wait to see where all this goes. i'm gonna see if i can help get you some more writers to help out, too…

  15. danohlerking

    great idea, dan. thanks! can't wait to see where all this goes. i'm gonna see if i can help get you some more writers to help out, too…

  16. BibleDude

    I think that this is one of the more exciting things that I've done here at! It's great to have your prayers and support… I'm really hoping that lots of people get rocked by participating in this!

  17. Paul B.

    Maybe you should give some thought to leveraging it. For instance, after the reviews, there hopefully! will be comments. But then how about a live chat session to bounce things around? The chemistry might be very creative.

  18. BibleDude

    that's a great idea! i actually have an online meeting room already set up on the site (see the 'meeting room' page in the top menu of pages). I'll see if I can maybe create a couple of events during the process where we all get online at the same time and talk about this stuff. If I am lucky, then I might see if I can pull a special 'guest' speaker or two…

    Great idea Paul! I'll see what I can work out! Thanks!

  19. BibleDude

    I think that this is one of the more exciting things that I've done here at! It's great to have your prayers and support… I'm really hoping that lots of people get rocked by participating in this!

  20. BibleDude

    that's a great idea! i actually have an online meeting room already set up on the site (see the 'meeting room' page in the top menu of pages). I'll see if I can maybe create a couple of events during the process where we all get online at the same time and talk about this stuff. If I am lucky, then I might see if I can pull a special 'guest' speaker or two…

    Great idea Paul! I'll see what I can work out! Thanks!

  21. Paul B.

    Maybe you should give some thought to leveraging it. For instance, after the reviews, there hopefully! will be comments. But then how about a live chat session to bounce things around? The chemistry might be very,p.

  22. Paul B.

    Maybe you should give some thought to leveraging it. For instance, after the reviews, there hopefully! will be comments. But then how about a live chat session to bounce things around? The chemistry might be very creative.

  23. BibleDude

    I think that this is one of the more exciting things that I've done here at! It's great to have your prayers and support… I'm really hoping that lots of people get rocked by participating in this!

  24. BibleDude

    I think that this is one of the more exciting things that I've done here at! It's great to have your prayers and support… I'm really hoping that lots of people get rocked by participating in this!

  25. Paul B.

    Maybe you should give some thought to leveraging it. For instance, after the reviews, there hopefully! will be comments. But then how about a live chat session to bounce things around? The chemistry might be very creative.

  26. BibleDude

    that's a great idea! i actually have an online meeting room already set up on the site (see the 'meeting room' page in the top menu of pages). I'll see if I can maybe create a couple of events during the process where we all get online at the same time and talk about this stuff. If I am lucky, then I might see if I can pull a special 'guest' speaker or two…

    Great idea Paul! I'll see what I can work out! Thanks!

  27. BibleDude

    that's a great idea! i actually have an online meeting room already set up on the site (see the 'meeting room' page in the top menu of pages). I'll see if I can maybe create a couple of events during the process where we all get online at the same time and talk about this stuff. If I am lucky, then I might see if I can pull a special 'guest' speaker or two…Great idea Paul! I'll see what I can work out! Thanks!


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group blogging project signup: servolution!

by Rev. Dan King time to read: 2 min