scouting the land [mission to haiti]

Written by Rev. Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father (bio and adopted). deacon and director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. president of fistbump media, llc.

June 16, 2010

What in the world will I have to give them?

As I get ready to head down to Haiti, I pray that God would prepare me to leave a deposit of something that will last well after I leave. Our church is committed to staying for the long-term to see the healing and rebuilding process through. But the more I prepare for this trip, the more I realize that they’ve got something that I want.

When I interviewed Seth Barnes from Adventures in Missions, he told me how he was blown away by the singing and dancing in the streets. The people he encountered worshiped God with a greater fervor than we don’t typically (if ever) see here in the States.

Then on Memorial Day weekend a pastor and elder from my church visited some ministries in Haiti that we will be working with for many other trips to come. They also found people who are unabashedly sold out to God.

They have nothing, yet they praise God like he’s given them everything.

This video is from the recent scouting trip with Pastor Tom Wilhoit and Bruce Mast from our church. In this video you’ll see why we’re going to help, and maybe a little bit of what I hope to bring back…

[youtube U_OlL8Q4Jp0 nolink]

Please join me in praying for our team (of 48 people) who are going down on August 6th, and for the people in Haiti. Not only is there still lots of rebuilding that needs to be done, but lots of healing as well. One thing that’s for certain is that God is alive and active down there, and I look forward to joining Him in what He’s doing!

Check out more from this mission in the haiti diaries.


  1. Paul Steinbrueck

    Hey Dan, that's great that you're going down to Haiti with a group from your church. My church ( is sending a team in 2 weeks (though, I'm not personally going).

    We're also committed to Haiti long term as we've been partnering with a church and school in northern Haiti for several years now.

    I'll be praying for your trip and look forward to reading more about it.

  2. @bibledude

    It's so important for people to realize that the work in #Haiti isn't finished yet! Since it's dropped out of mainstream media, people's attention gets pulled in so many other directions. So I'm glad to hear that you guys are active down there too!

    Our church has also had some long-term connections there, and we are working quite a bit with them. This youth trip that I'm going on will be the first of many that we are working on.

    Thanks for praying! I'll likewise be praying for your church's efforts there!


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scouting the land [mission to haiti]

by Rev. Dan King time to read: 1 min