to be content in every condition

Written by PatriciaHunter

I'm a wannabe psalmist with a camera.

May 14, 2013



God sends the stormy wind of his providential and painful visitations, to sweep away the clouds and cause the hidden luminary to shine forth. ~ John Angell James, Benefits of Affliction

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Every day I have a choice – to choose despair or delight, grumbling or gratitude, pugnaciousness or peace – despite my circumstances.

And honestly? I don’t always choose well.

I’m anxious to make my way out to the edge of the pasture where the patch of black-eyed susans reach for the sun, but it may as well be at the end of a rainbow.

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I’m not going to make it and I’m frustrated and angry and even bitter. Why did you give me a camera and then RA? I grumble.

I sit down right where my legs and lungs give out in the middle of the pasture. When I look up, the clouds of frustration are swept away at the hidden luminary before me, as Great Southern Whites with their blue-tipped antennae dance in a field of flax.

Grumbling turns to gratitude at the grace that was given in my sorry condition and at what I could not see when my heart was set on black-eyed susans at the end of the rainbow.

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Christian contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God’s wise and fatherly disposal in every condition. ~ Jeremiah Burroughs

And you, dear friends? When has affliction been grace for you?

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    • Patricia W Hunter

      Love you, too, Kimberly…and thank you. God is good. Always.

  1. Ro elliott

    Patrica….just beautiful….and yes…isn’t God’s Grace amazing….to transform our suffering Into grace….and a gift…and to be able to say with an honest heart along with the psalmist….My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees. Blessings to you my friend ~

    • Patricia W Hunter

      Thank you, Ro. Amazing grace, indeed. It is a gift, how He redeems all suffering for our good and His glory. amen. xox

  2. Sandra Heska King

    I love how you help me see. And if I’d been able to birth children, I’d never have Grace… (or Lil)

    • Patricia W Hunter

      LOVE it, Sandra.

  3. Linda Boyd

    Right now as I sit at home with 2 broken bones in my leg unable to do much of anything other than hop to the bathroom via my walker. But to see the way God provides for me thru my husband and friends and family is so precious. To have real time to “be still and know that He is God” what precious grace! What comfort! Thank you Patricia again for timely words of wisdom spoken into my life!

    • Patricia W Hunter

      Linda, I am so sorry to hear of your broken bones. Bless your heart. I can tell that you know this – this grace in affliction, and it is indeed precious and sweet. We’d never choose this path, and that, too, is grace. Like you, I’ve learned to embrace the being still and knowing. Offering prayers for your healing….and memory of this sweet time with the Lord.

  4. Susan

    Thank you so much for this beautiful post, Patricia! It is very timely for me, as right before I turned on my computer, I was grumbling in my spirit about news of an unwelcome delay in a situation I thought was on its way to completion. I am grateful for your reminder that we DO have a choice! Many thanks for your reminder!
    Blessings to you,

    • Patricia W Hunter

      Thank you, Susan. Grumbling is such a waste of time, too, isn’t it? Blessings to you, too…may the Lord meet you and give you joy in the waiting.

  5. Linda Chontos

    Suffering has brought me to a place of trust and peace I could not have known in any other way. He truly does give us beauty for ashes.

    • Patricia W Hunter

      He sure does, Linda!


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to be content in every condition

by PatriciaHunter time to read: 1 min