light giver

sun, light

Written by Mark Lafler

B.A., Global University; M.C.S., Regent College I am currently serving as a youth minister at our church in Sarasota, FL. I am married to Tera (15 Years +) and we have 3 beautiful daughters.

September 17, 2011

sun, light

It is easy to get caught up in dark moments.  I know I have.  Sometimes you just want to cry and be alone.

Lately, free time has been scarce.  Like many people, I have been so busy, perhaps too busy.

I have also been contemplating on what to write this week.  Then I came across this psalm that I wrote in August 2009.  I was working on my final project for my graduate program.  I was busy then too.

I took time to express my feelings then.  Those expressions help encourage me now.

I share this with you with hopes that it may encourage you as well.

Light Giver – a psalm

There is not a purer light then can be found in You,
No person can contain something so bright.

You oh Lord are the essence of purity,
Everything else is unclean of filth and blight,
Only You are so clean, spotless, without blemish,
Nothing comes close to who you are.

We are clean because we are found in You,
All persons called of God may come into your sight.

You oh Lord are the essence of charity,
What is unclean You have made clean and right,
What You have started You will finish,
You have brought people near who have been a far.

Oh great God, the Light Giver, Thou art worthy of all praise!
No one is as pure as You – certainly not one.

1 Comment

  1. Andy Carlson

    Thank you for sharing yourself….In the busyness of our time…..In our desire for simplicity the process becomes complex.  To see the be the Light….that was very good Mark.  I especially liked the line: “You have brought people near who have been a far”.  I relate to that as one who is near to  the Light from time to time…. who feels the Light, only to find myself later away, an almost estrangement from that same Light – as drifting away.  To have gone so far away in the busyness of the time…and then with the recognition of the growing distance, seeing that Light is like a life preserver a few feet way….reaching it takes my own effort to regain the Light….I am that line, one “who has been a far”..more frequently than I like…..Thanks for making it clear…..and giving me a “yes that is me too” moment.


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light giver

by Mark Lafler time to read: 1 min