ephesians 3:1-13: the mystery of the Gospel revealed

Written by Shelly Miller

Editor, Living the Story Shelly Miller is smitten with the art of story to transform a life. She writes about her own struggles as a child of divorce and alcoholism, and the way God redeems it all as a clergy wife raising two teens. With experience as a full-time missionary, advocate for orphans in Rwanda and leader of women’s ministries for small and large congregations, she is passionate to help people realize calling despite circumstance. When her husband H isn’t leading a church planting movement in North America, they drive five minutes across the street to take a walk on the Atlantic, with a camera strapped to her shoulder.

January 22, 2013

ephesians, mystery of the gospel

[serialposts]My fingers tap allegro on the chair in front of me, keeping time to the rhythm of my heart when I look at the back of her teenage head, her waif frame knuckled between siblings. I know this feeling; it isn’t the first time it’s hovered over me in church. God and I, we’re wrestling over what I should do about it.

Standing next to my family singing We’ve Come to Worship, abandoned to His presence, He begins to speak the revelation. Telling me things about this young girl that I only know by name and passing glances. She’s at a crossroads.  He wants to get her attention. Tell her He loves her. And I’m to be His messenger.

How is someone qualified to do this? Through experience, character, a proven track record? For Paul, it was revelation from God, the qualification for appointment as apostle to the Ephesians. One who tells the tale of the riches of redemption because God chose him.

And once you taste and savor the truth, it whets the appetite with insatiable desire to know more. To share the incomparable freedom of the find with those still shrouded in mystery.

I was Paul that day in church.

But what if the revelation, the call God places on your life isn’t popular and you’re despised for it? Or perhaps the parents of the one you are to tell will frown on your boldness to speak to the child they bore. Most of all, what if you are rejected by those whom you deliver the message and you end up in prison?

This was Paul’s plight, prisoner for Christ, yet he saw it as the manifestation of God’s kindness. Grateful for the opportunity not because of title, position, crowds patting him on the back, but because he was given the privilege to tell.

Because we believe to understand; not understand in order to believe.

An apostle isn’t a prince with power.  Neither inspiration nor holiness inhabit one by panel selection or amiable vote but divinely appointed by the hand of God. Rome, she was an apostle without inspiration; form without grace offering ashes to her children for supper. Their tasteless palette inflamed with revelation; Paul’s truth for those tired of hollow hearsay.

“She wondered if God could speak to her like that,” her mother told me through a smile. “We were just talking about it the other day and your encounter let her know He hears her prayers and He will speak to her the way He does to others.”

Yes, He hears and He is faithful to answer. Not answers just for the uber spiritual but the meek, the hungry, the lowly, the young and the old, rich and poor, even a blasphemer like Paul. We’re all heirs of His goodness, the embrace of promise in surrender.

The Gentiles thought they had to become Jews to partake of the Messiah’s blessings. How many times do we think we have to replicate the gifts others possess in order to be accepted, to receive promise?

And our inheritance doesn’t come with birth order, family line, or outward rite but because of faith in the Gospel, union with Christ. And redemption looks beautiful on everyone.

The mystery is that people who have never heard of God and those who have heard of him all their lives (what I’ve been calling outsiders and insiders) stand on the same ground before God. They get the same offer, same help, same promises in Christ Jesus. The Message is accessible and welcoming to everyone, across the board. ~ Ephesians 3: 7-8, The Message

activist faith, adoption, orphan care




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  1. Jillie

    Oh Shelly…How I wish I’d (even) been a young person in church, but church was not even on my radar as a teenager. When I hear other Christian women speak of their youth groups and their churches when they were young, knowing I was nothing but a mess in my teens. To have an ‘older’ Christian woman speak over my life would truly have been a Godsend for me, straight to my heart. I’m so glad you heeded His voice for this young woman—your words were Life to her, I’m sure.

    • Shelly Miller

      So far, when I’ve been prompted to do that, its worked out, thankfully. She is a lovely girl and was very open to what I said. I’m thankful for those people who have done the same for me. They were often markers in my life, pointing me in the next direction and pushing me off. Thanks for being here Jillie.

  2. floyd

    Redemption is the most beautiful feature we have or could ever wear… It is the epitome of beauty. Thanks for being Paul that day. After having spent so many years coaching high school age kids, I feel compelled to encourage and lift them up. When adults acknowledge young people, they and their parents appreciate being recognized as special. Isn’t that exactly what God calls us to do? Nice job, Shelly.

    • Shelly Miller

      A timely word spoken in love is powerful isn’t it Floyd? Thanks for your generous response here.

  3. Eileen

    “Because we believe to understand; not understand in order to believe.” Love that. Great thoughts, Shelly!

    • Shelly Miller

      I sort of stole it, from my pastor’s sermon last week. I thought it was profound enough to share, don’t ya think Eileen?

  4. kelli woodford

    you love well, friend.
    and you do it with an eye to the One who is Love.

    this line grabbed me: “Because we believe to understand, not understand in order to believe.”

    right on the money.

    • Shelly Miller

      Thanks Kelli, it grabbed me too. In Sunday’s sermon. It found a place in this story. Funny how our words surprise us huh?

  5. Kris Camealy

    Ah, Shelly. How fantastic is this word from you!! I love your heart and how much it turns my own to Jesus. Thank you for these powerful words!

    • Shelly Miller

      I’m just so thankful for redemption Kris. Appreciate you.

  6. Sandra Heska King

    You, my friend, help open my eyes, my ears, and my heart.

    • Shelly Miller

      Wow Sandy, thanks for saying that. I’m humbled.


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ephesians 3:1-13: the mystery of the Gospel revealed

by Shelly Miller time to read: 3 min