opportunity: invest your talents

Written by Rev. Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father (bio and adopted). deacon and director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. president of fistbump media, llc.

January 13, 2009

Matthew 25:14-30 provides an amazing teaching (in parable) from Jesus in which we learn that if we do not invest our ‘talents’ then we will loose them. Of course there is much more that can be said about this parable, but my emphasis on the “use it or loose it” perspective is intentional.

parableoftalentsI believe that it is extremely important for every Christian to consider how they should be investing the ‘talents’ that they have been given. Hear my heart when I say this…  I know that many people reading this right now already are investing their time, energy, money, and wisdom into the Kingdom. But I wouldn’t be doing what I’ve set out to do (see bibledude manifesto for 2009) if I didn’t challenge you to find new ways to live out your faith.

Therefore, since a ‘bibledude’ (and dudette) should be ‘engaging in culture,’ then we should be regularly searching for ways that we can impact the world around us. And if you’ve been following the ‘children of microfinance‘ series, you’ll know that there is some great opportunity to help microfinance in the war on global poverty. Five Talents is a great Christian organization that is leading the way in this area, and they have an amazing opportunity coming available…

Business professionals, graduate students, seminarians and clergy can now lend their talents in a unique way to Five Talents International as a Five Talents Fellow.

Dedicated individuals with an interest in serving the poor through Christian microenterprise development can now apply to work as a volunteer fellow with a Five Talents partner in Africa, Asia or Latin America for six months to one year. Fellowships will start during Summer 2009. Applications are due Monday, March 2, 2009.

The Five Talents Fellows program was created as a response to the demand from both partners asking for assistance with specific projects and from volunteers desiring to lend their talents to serve the poor through microfinance. The program is designed to strengthen the work and mission of Five Talents to fight poverty, create jobs and transform lives by advancing the goals of its local partner institutions with meaningful projects or research.

Given the high demand for involvement in the rapidly growing field of microfinance, this program offers significant benefits for interested candidates, including substantial exposure to the unique mission of Five Talents.

For more information or to apply, visit www.FiveTalents.org.

Established in 1999, Five Talents International has provided funding for business training and thousands of loans, ranging from $50 to $300, in 15 countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America. Each loan finances a microbusiness that, in turn, supports up to six other people. A majority of the loan recipients are women.

Five Talents’ ongoing work is supported by a staff based in Vienna, Va., an office in London, England, and a program office in Kampala, Uganda. Hundreds of volunteers across the United States and United Kingdom participate in the ministry.

If you check them out, then let them know that ‘bibledude.net’ sent you. And if you end up going, I would like to open up the opportunity for you to share your experiences here on bibledude.net either as a guest blogger or through recorded Skype video-call interviews. Let me know if you plan to pursue this great opportunity!


  1. kristabelieves

    What an awesome avenue of ministry. This will have a major ripple effect in transforming lives and people groups.

    This gets away from the traditional missionary work that teaches people to live off of missionary welfare and gives people the opportunity to get out of poverty by their own means and not just wait for the next handout to survive. And just to clarify I'm not against handouts, I just think there is so much more wisdom in this method of mission work. It follows the rule of “don't catch the fish, teach them to catch the fish”. I can't wait to see the fruit from this “Five Talents Fellow Program” this summer.

  2. kristabelieves

    What an awesome avenue of ministry. This will have a major ripple effect in transforming lives and people groups. This gets away from the traditional missionary work that teaches people to live off of missionary welfare and gives people the opportunity to get out of poverty by their own means and not just wait for the next handout to survive. And just to clarify I'm not against handouts, I just think there is so much more wisdom in this method of mission work. It follows the rule of “don't catch the fish, teach them to catch the fish”. I can't wait to see the fruit from this “Five Talents Fellow Program” this summer.

  3. kristabelieves

    What an awesome avenue of ministry. This will have a major ripple effect in transforming lives and people groups.

    This gets away from the traditional missionary work that teaches people to live off of missionary welfare and gives people the opportunity to get out of poverty by their own means and not just wait for the next handout to survive. And just to clarify I'm not against handouts, I just think there is so much more wisdom in this method of mission work. It follows the rule of “don't catch the fish, teach them to catch the fish”. I can't wait to see the fruit from this “Five Talents Fellow Program” this summer.

  4. Nick Bonk

    This is good stuff, keep it up!!!

  5. Nick Bonk

    This is good stuff, keep it up!!!

  6. Nick Bonk

    This is good stuff, keep it up!!!

  7. BibleDude

    Yeah… these guys are pretty amazing. I agree completely that you need to teach people how to fish, and these guys are certainly doing that…

  8. BibleDude

    Thanks Nick! I appreciate you stopping by!

  9. BibleDude

    Yeah… these guys are pretty amazing. I agree completely that you need to teach people how to fish, and these guys are certainly doing that…

  10. BibleDude

    Thanks Nick! I appreciate you stopping by!

  11. BibleDude

    Yeah… these guys are pretty amazing. I agree completely that you need to teach people how to fish, and these guys are certainly doing that…

  12. BibleDude

    Thanks Nick! I appreciate you stopping by!

  13. BibleDude

    Amen! Thanks for popping by again Lance! It's always great to hear from you!

  14. Lance Gargus

    So inspirational! We have to invest our talents or God takes them away.God bless,Lancewww.lancessoulsearching.com

  15. BibleDude

    Amen! Thanks for popping by again Lance! It's always great to hear from you!

  16. BibleDude

    Amen! Thanks for popping by again Lance! It's always great to hear from you!

  17. takamiya

    WOW! What a concept! It never ceases to amaze me how creative God has made His people. In this age of computers, it is possible for ANYONE to use WHATEVER talents the Lord has given. Websites, niche sites, blogs and the list goes on. One word of caution though. Make sure to enter your “talent” endeavors prayerfully. God has all the inside information. That's why He says in James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives liberally…”

    I started my business this way and it's a business that to this day, I have no idea how I got here. God is faithful though and He knows the plans He has for us…” Jeremiah 29:11

  18. takamiya

    WOW! What a concept! It never ceases to amaze me how creative God has made His people. In this age of computers, it is possible for ANYONE to use WHATEVER talents the Lord has given. Websites, niche sites, blogs and the list goes on. One word of caution though. Make sure to enter your “talent” endeavors prayerfully. God has all the inside information. That's why He says in James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives liberally…”

    I started my business this way and it's a business that to this day, I have no idea how I got here. God is faithful though and He knows the plans He has for us…” Jeremiah 29:11


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opportunity: invest your talents

by Rev. Dan King time to read: 3 min