short story [justice]: cruelty at the playground

Written by About Guest Blogger

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August 13, 2009

by Janna Bailey

The playground bubbled with laughter except for Brandon, who was teased because he was overweight, Rene’, who was teased because she wore glasses, and Shirley who was teased because her family didn’t have the money to buy her new clothes.

playgroundThe school bell rang, indicating it was time to go back to class. While they were lined up to go back to the classroom Diane and Grace asked Rene’ to call Brandon fatso. “No, I won’t; leave Brandon alone.”  “Two little Love birds sitting……….” Rene’ turned round and looked at Brandon who was close to tears. “Thank you” he said with a tone of admiration in his voice.

“Shirley,” Betsy sneered, “where did you get your blouse, at the Salvation Army?” Betsy tore Shirley’s blouse. Both girls were sent to the principal’s office. Betsy’s mom was called. Shirley was given a blouse from lost and found and sent back to class.

Grace grabbed Rene’s glasses threw them to the ground, shattering the lens and denting the frame. Both girls were sent to the principal’s office, where their parents were called Rene’s mom brought her an old pair of glasses she could wear until she could get another pair.

Betsy’s and Grace’s parents were angry.

Betsy’s mom made her give Shirley two blouses and khaki pants she had been looking forward to wearing. “But, mom,” Betsy complained, “this isn’t fair!”

“That is too bad, young lady. You should have thought about that before you tore Shirley’s blouse.”

Grace’s mom was just as angry. The next day she made Grace give Rene’s mom $175 she had saved to buy herself a mountain bike.

“Mom, this isn’t fair”

“Yes it is fair. What isn’t fair is that Rene’ cannot see well enough to do her homework. Young lady, until her new glasses come in you are going to spend your playtime helping her with her homework. I will be watching you like a hawk to make sure you behave yourself.”

That night Jesus visited Diane, Betsy, and Grace.

“You can continue in your cruelty and others will follow your example. If you do somebody near and dear to you can be teased in a similar manner. Or you choose to show compassion and loving kindness; and others will follow your example. What is your choice?”

About the author:

Janna Bailey is 49 and has a disability. She began writing stories as a way to help other people who might be going through what she did. She wants Jesus to take the ugly things that have happened and use it for God’s glory.

Check out more great stuff from the creative writing challenge: justice edition.

1 Comment

  1. Ayomide Akinkugbe

    Beautiful ! 🙂


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short story [justice]: cruelty at the playground

by About Guest Blogger time to read: 2 min