stand firm. be immovable.

pushing a boulder

Written by Jamaal Bell

Jamaal is a MDiv and Clinical Counseling student at Ashland Theological Seminary. The editor of the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity's blog He served four years in the U.S. Navy from 1999-2003. He earned his Bachelor's Degree in journalism and public relations at Ball State University. Jamaal's writing interests are devotionals, theology, and social justice. He also loves to do video devotionals targeted to teens, however, applicable to anyone.

December 6, 2011

pushing a boulder

How often do we juggle the world’s (or our culture’s) way and Christ’s way? How often do we juggle the notion, “Should I keep this money and spend it on myself or should I give it to those who happen to be less fortunate or to my church?”

How often do we act without guidance from the Lord, because we can’t wait on Him or in the back of ours minds we say, “Ahhh…. God is not coming through on this one, I’ll take care of it myself.”

As Christians, we seem to sometimes have faith today and no faith tomorrow. Why do we flip back-and-forth in faithfulness? We tend to let the world (or our culture) and our ideals decide whether faith is applicable in our situations.

For instance, do you have more faith in the human ability of the doctors and technology to saving your life than the Holy Spirit working in those people or God? Do you have more faith in the existence of the fleshly life than what Jesus promises in the afterlife? Where do you stand? Do you praise Jesus earnestly and wish to meet Him in heaven but still fear death?

Most of us stand on both sides. However, we must stand and choose decisively to be steadfast to Christ personally; to his doctrine—including doctrine of resurrection and to holy living.

This steadfastness must be immovable. Why?

Because our enemies will do whatever it takes to jade our choice of living in Christ.  They will mock us, discount us, attempt to be a stumbling block, straight-up fight us, influence us to slip and make bad decisions, challenge our knowledge of scripture and use our lack of knowledge to secure their ignorance in hopes you join them in ignorance.

Because most people who challenge scripture have not read scripture for themselves.  Which is like giving a review of a book which you haven’t read and your review is based on everyone else’s opinion.  We must hold on to Christ and pray that Christ holds on to us.

Our faith must be clear and immovable!

We must fully engage in the Lord’s work. Sometimes we as Christians are so divided between the world (or our culture) and the kingdom that we do less work for the Lord and more for ourselves.  The Lord’s work we do engage in, must not lack spirit.

I’m not naïve to think there are times were we do not “feel” like serving.  Regardless of how we “feel” it still shouldn’t lack spirit.  “God is able to supply all our need, so we can abound in every good work and increase the fruits of righteousness.” (2 Cor 9:8-10)

The primary reason for serving should not be because it is rewarding, or makes us feel good, or just because its our job. We must be careful not to serve God arrogantly.  God notices and care for those who fear and serve Him in spite of hardships  (ref. Mal 3:16-18).

I think sometimes we fail to realize that the story of God is Him choosing to love and serve us faithfully (Luke 22, John 13).

He serves humanity for His glory and because he loves us.  God blesses us, He heals us, He comforts us, He protects us, He freed us, He promised he’ll always be their, and He promised everlasting life.

So if we are to serve a God who is committed to blessing us, healing us, comforting us, protecting us, loving us, freeing us, promises relationship and everlasting life; how can our service be in vain? It can’t… But, if you juggle faith and faithlessness, God’s promise in your eyes will be distorted.


“Therefore, my beloved brothers [and sisters], be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” 1 Cor 15:58


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stand firm. be immovable.

by Jamaal Bell time to read: 3 min