For sure and for certain, I am a daughter of the King of kings, a princess of the most high God. My eternity is set, I don’t doubt that for one fine frog’s hair second; but, my here and my now, in this current stance, right smack-dab where I am, this earthly residence...
Bible Literacy
Book Reviews
“if God had given me her legs, i would be in deep trouble…”
I glance over at the girl right ahead of me in line. She's probably 16, wearing light blue-jean cut-off short shorts and a white tank top. Her hair is blonde, highlighted and thick, hanging perfectly straight down to her shoulder blades. Her skin is perfectly tan and...
lessons from the slum congregation
"There is not an honest pastor in the land who is not deeply aware of the slum conditions that exist in the congregation and, therefore, the unending task of clearing out the garbage, finding space for breathing, getting adequate nourishment, and venturing into the...
like something trying to get born
It's bright this morning, crisp and early. The kind of morning you feel that something new is trying to get born. Last night, we rifled through the backpacks at Wal-Mart and after much deliberation, picked out four of them. They are still stiff, smelling of that...
see the lilies
I've been learning a lot about worry lately. We all go through times in our...
the aerodynamic mystery of you
I sit in the porch rocker and soak up the silence. It’s a discipline I’m...
the alchemy of hope Most of us, at one time or another, feel we have...
forget littlest pet shop and polly pockets: it’s time for preschoolers to serve
Often I think of my preschooler as a busy, little human frantically spinning...