
Bible Literacy
Book Reviews
will you refuse to do nothing?

will you refuse to do nothing?

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. That quote by Ghandi is written on my heart - imprinted on my heart. Like a tattoo. God has gifted me with a huge passion for making a difference in the world. Not just an ordinary difference, but a big difference....

surrender the bone

surrender the bone

  Before I say a word about this month’s theme of “free,” you should know that I lived as a secret slave to alcohol for more than twelve years. By day I wrote Christian books on topics like marriage and prayer, and by night I got blotto drunk. I can’t think of...

he smells like mouthwash

he smells like mouthwash

Each Sunday he shows up.  He stumbles in, unkempt and a little noisy.  Typically his daughters come with him.  (They love our children's ministry.)  He sits in the metal folding chairs in our little church plant startup meeting at our local VFW Bingo Hall.  Usually,...

free from not measuring up

free from not measuring up

I flip through pages, thousands of them, all tissue thin with an ink everlasting. They tell the stories, this Holy Book of books; these living, breathing words unfolding the hearts of saints and sinners, words that mark the law of Moses and the ministry of Jesus, this...

The Story That
Changed Everything

