
Write on dear writers…  Write on!

I don’t know how many times I have sat here staring at the computer and wondering why in the world I am doing this. Why am I writing? Who in the world is even reading this stuff?

It’s easy to get caught up in the lack of comments and feedback on posts. There are days when a post lights up like a wildfire with comments and then others when your readership is silent.

As a writer you wonder…

Was it well written?

Did I miss the mark on this one?

Is this leaving an impact?

This may surprise you, but I do not write for the joy of it.

I know some writers do…I picture them sitting there in a coffee shop looking hipster with an organic brew steaming on the table next to their lap top or flashy tablet. I imagine them looking intensely wise as they tap deftly away creating amazing prose for their ever faithful and amazingly large readership.

I know a more accurate picture for some may be, a Mom or Dad with kids running through the home, a pile of mail and paper work on the computer desk in front of them,  and a dog barking to go outside, as they try desperately to stay focused enough to finish writing their piece…

Frankly, writing scares the crud out of me! My mouth gets dry, my heart races, and my breath runs short before I click that dreaded “publish” button.  I am honestly more comfortable with public speaking then writing…  Seriously.

But my amazing Creator keeps pushing and nudging me to continue in this “scary” endeavor.

He puts a fire in my bones and I feel like a wine skin about to burst to use some Biblical analogies.

I have no peace until it’s done.

And when there is feedback that it encouraged or challenged someone then I feel like I have done what He wanted.

Some days though, in the midst of the quiet blank spaces of the glowing screen, I find myself yet again, wondering why am I even doing this. What, if any, of a positive impact am I even having for Him?

Then He reminded me…

Luke 1:1-4
Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.

Did you catch that friends?

Luke obediently wrote his account for Theophilus.

God did the rest.

“Writing is a chance to mentor exponentially.” –Brooklyn Lindsey

Oh, what God can do my friends if we are obedient!?

I am not expecting my blog to blow up and become widely read everywhere, but I do know this…

He has called me to write in this space and the rest is up to Him.

This wild writing journey is not contingent on positive or negative feedback, or the lack there of it.

So I say this to you small and big bloggers, writers published and authors everywhere. If He is nudging you to tell a piece of His story today, then be obedient and faithful.

Write on dear writers…

Write on.

He will do the rest.

write on dear writers… write on!

by HeatherWindeler time to read: 3 min