man changes his mind: repentance

man changes his mind: repentance

After the preliminary considerations in my study on the doctrine of salvation, we begin to take a look at the activity of man in salvation. This consists of three elements: repentance, faith, and conversion. First up, we’ll look at some principles associated...
the will of God in salvation

the will of God in salvation

[serialposts]It’s one question that seems to pop up in nearly every theological conversation I end up having. So many other things seem to ride on how you view the difference between predestination and free will. The Bible teaches both, but we often struggle...
the mini-fridge

the mini-fridge

I stand up and stretch my legs for a moment. I need to do it more often, because having a desk job like mine can easily result in poor circulation (causing a whole bunch of other health problems). Somehow I feel like staring at the computer monitor for too long is...
creative matters [an ebook by @createcoll]

creative matters [an ebook by @createcoll]

I get into my car and drive to work. During the short commute that starts each day I’m blasted with dozens of signs and messages telling me what to do or think. Eventually they all simply become noise, blending in with each other so that not a single one is...