when you want a hall pass to get out of serving others

Written by Amy L. Sullivan

SERVE Editor Word lover. Book devourer. Music addict. Amy is a Northern girl who found herself living in the South. She drinks sweet tea, turns her nose up at okra, and attempts to tell her daughters "yella" isn't a color.

December 13, 2012

I worry about my limitations.

Because sometimes I feel as if I possess nothing to give.

And I think all my gifts flail in the shallow end of the pool.

And there are masses of people smarter, better, and more compassionate than I am.

And these golden people spout Bible verses, when the only thing I spout is sarcasm (and an occasional curse word).

Plus, there’s my kids and my job and life’s demands and holy cow, I messed up Spirit Week and sent my kid to school in pajamas on the wrong day (again).

It’s during these times I am tempted to ask for an exception of service. You know, like a hall pass to get out of actually serving others. Afterall, I am certain God can find someone more qualified to represent Him.

Someone who remembers to sign notes and bring meals.

Then, I remember how much God loves the underqualified. Those who doubt (Thomas), worry (Martha), stutter (Moses), and haul butt in the opposite direction (Jonah).

It’s those who don’t make sense as the first choice, and those who must cling to God and His Word.

That’s who He wants.

Sorry, no hall passes today.

Image credit.


  1. David Rupert

    Amy, what a fun post. I have never heard Jonah described in such terms. Love this shot of encouragement to press on!

    • Amy L. Sullivan

      Thanks for reading! Oh, yes, Jonah hauling butt the other direction…yep, he sure did!

  2. Monica Sharman

    No hall pass even for those who internally snarl or want to avoid a relationship instead of loving those who are hard to love?


    • Amy L. Sullivan

      Monica, What about if you externally snarl? Maybe we get a hall pass then! Hee, hee.

  3. Crystal Rowe

    I love this post. Sometimes it’s hard to press on and serve in the midst of our own crazy lives … but that’s what God has called us to. Thanks for the reminder.

    • Amy L. Sullivan

      Too often my crazy life rules the actions I take. However, I miss the whole idea of my crazy life makes me a perfect choice to serve others.

  4. Leslie Rowe

    Like like like your thoughts.

  5. Lori McClure

    Ah, Spirit Week. Who can keep up? 🙂 I’m so glad He uses screw-ups. Otherwise I’m in huge trouble!

    • Amy L. Sullivan

      Oh, yes. As if getting your kid dressed isn’t an accomoplishment, for Spirit Week, you also have to include crazy hair, stuffed animals, and warm pj’s. Ha!


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when you want a hall pass to get out of serving others

by Amy L. Sullivan time to read: 1 min