addiction to ministry [part two]

Coffee with friends

Written by Nikole Hahn

Nikole Hahn is a recovering perfectionist blogging at "Life Upside Down" at She is also the publisher of The Relevant Christian Magazine (@TRCMagazine). She is a member of Word Weavers International, a book reviewer, writer, and coffee addict.

January 23, 2012

Coffee with friends

[serialposts]“We need to get together sometime.” I said this to my friend as I had just finished unloading my stress on her willing shoulders.

It’s because of my previous post that I realized ministry had become an unhealthy habit; too much ministry anyway. I had forgotten what it’s like to simply have coffee with a friend for no other reason than because of our friendship, and not because it was ministry led.

Though every encounter has been genuine, ministry made me insincere. Perhaps it has also made me untrustworthy that friends may wonder at my motives. I stopped being able to discern between an outing and a ministry opportunity.

So in getting rid of some ministries that I should never have agreed to do, it frees me to fully serve God in the ministries of praying and writing only. It also frees me to enjoy friendships again. Ministry can be an addiction as a guest speaker once said at our church, and he was right. Sometimes, I have a problem with saying no; saying yes to things God never meant for me to take on.

I want less acquaintainces and more friendships.

Tell me your experiences with ministry.


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addiction to ministry [part two]

by Nikole Hahn time to read: 1 min