how God speaks to people [an interview with @mafeinberg]

Written by Rev. Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father (bio and adopted). deacon and director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. president of fistbump media, llc.

June 21, 2011

[serialposts]Have you ever heard the voice of God? You know, like the Charlton Heston or James Earl Jones audible voice giving you the clear direction that you’re looking for?

I don’t think that I have, but I’m pretty sure that God has communicated with me in other ways. Mostly through reading the Bible, sometimes through prayer, and occasionally through other people.

In part two (of five) of my interview with Margaret Feinberg (about her new book Hungry for God) I ask her about the ways she’s discovered that God talks with people. And I also ask her what was the most unusual way that God has talked to her.

Check out what she had to say…

[youtube AdBNR-zAKIU nolink]


  1. Rock

    Inspirational! God bless you so much!

    • @bibledude

      totally agree… @mafeinberg:twitter nails it in this part of the interview! i think my favorite part of this one is how she helps us understand that hearing from God is something that we can ALL experience!


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how God speaks to people [an interview with @mafeinberg]

by Rev. Dan King time to read: 1 min