This post is probably going to get some people mad at me. I just noticed that Big Bang is a trending conversation on Facebook, and saw some really fascinating articles about how astronomers believe they've finally proven the Big Bang Theory. I don't really fully...
theology and worldviews
Bible Literacy
Book Reviews
stuck doing 35 in a 45
I love the morning drive when I take my son to school. Well, most of it. We don't always talk much. But we pray together every morning when we get close to the school. That's my favorite time, as I lift him up to the Lord, ask for protection, and that He grant him...
“if God had given me her legs, i would be in deep trouble…”
I glance over at the girl right ahead of me in line. She's probably 16, wearing light blue-jean cut-off short shorts and a white tank top. Her hair is blonde, highlighted and thick, hanging perfectly straight down to her shoulder blades. Her skin is perfectly tan and...
ephesians 6:10-20: the whole armor of God
My husband and I saw The Hobbit last night. An Unexpected Adventure as Tolkein titled it. It was an adventure indeed, full of courage from unlikely, small people, bloody battles, bravery and daring and the strength and victory that comes when those on the side of Good...
ephesians 6:5-9: bondservants and masters
God Rewards Humble, Unseen Work I grew up needing to be noticed (and maybe I...
ephesians 1:1-14: greeting and spiritual blessings in Christ
[serialposts] "It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are...
hope in advent
Hope. It is an easy thing to say. We hope they get a new job. We hope the...
worship space theology
I've worshipped in many church buildings from different Christian...