serving communion

Communion Table, Laity Lodge

Written by Rev. Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father (bio and adopted). deacon and director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. president of fistbump media, llc.

October 12, 2011

Communion Table, Laity Lodge

“Body of Christ broken for you.”

I repeated this simple phrase as I broke off a piece of the loaf that I was serving to each who came forward to partake of the Lord’s Supper. It was our last morning together at a Laity Lodge Writer’s Retreat; a retreat that I won’t soon forget.

I was really excited when I was asked to help serve communion that morning. What an honor and privilege to be part of something so special and sacred to so many people.

But then the reality of what I was doing started to set in, and I felt overwhelmed. I was going to be a part of something so special and sacred to so many people. Somehow I didn’t feel worthy.

As I stood there serving each one I broke the bread and repeated, “Body of Christ broken for you.” I looked into each of their eyes and saw tears welling up in many of them. I quickly found myself having to fight back tears and that froggy little thing my voice does when I cr-, cr-… get choked up.

Communion is one of the most sacred things we can do.

It’s a special time to remember Jesus and the sacrifice that He made. But more than that, I love the word communion and what it means. It has to do with “an act or instance of sharing,” and an “intimate fellowship or rapport.” So even more than a remembrance, it’s a coming together with Christ.

Then I realized this was exactly what we had done together over the previous few days. The ironic thing is that the words communion and communication are from the same root, and therefore have that same core idea of sharing (communing) with one another. We gathered as writers, people who are working on our craft of written communication.

Our whole weekend together was a sort of communion! We sat at the supper table in fellowship with one another. We shared stories of our hopes and dreams, and we lamented over our brokenness. We talked, we hugged, and we served one another in many ways. And at the end of our time, we shared together the Body and Blood of Christ.

It was a special moment for me, and it was clear that it was a special moment for many others as well.

Body of Christ broken for you.



  1. Denadyer

    Love this, Dan. Thanks for serving…not just in communion but in other ways as well. 🙂

  2. Kelly

    I am sorry to have missed that. Now I have a lump in my own throat. Thank you for serving us again in communion here, Dan.

  3. Nancy Franson

    What joy, communing with you and the others. Grace and peace to you, Dan.

  4. Troy Sims

    Great words, Dan!  I agree with Kelly, “Thank you for serving us again in communion here, Dan.”

    I love how the Apostle Paul writes of communion in 1 Corinthians 11:20-34.  I find it no accident that he immediately begins espousing his theology of the “body of Christ” in Chapter 12 – after chastising the Corinthians for not “discerning the body” when they partake.  Thank you for discerning and edifying the “body of Christ” in your serving at Laity Lodge, in your writing, and in your mission field!  Take care, Dan!

  5. Megan Willome

    It was a very emotional communion for me, and I wasn’t even in your line!
    Thanks for sharing this.

  6. Sandy

    “But then the reality of what I was doing started to set in, and I felt overwhelmed. I was going to be a part of something so special and sacred to so many people. Somehow I didn’t feel worthy.”

    You know, I think satan wanted you to feel that way, but if everyone who helped serve communion felt that way, we wouldn’t be able to receive it from anyone.  My husband used to serve communion every week at our old denominational church and I can’t speak for how he felt doing it, but I know I used to take it for granted.  I only take it monthly now at our new non-denominational church, and I try to make sure that I’m truly understanding and receiving the gift that I’m given.

  7. Laraj

    I’m so sorry I had to leave early and missed that beautiful experience. But you are right, Dan. Our whole weekend was Communion. Thank you.

  8. Cdbailey36

    Fantastic post! Thank you for sharing. When I was a part of the leadership in my old church in Philadelphia I helped serve communion and I LOVED IT! It was such an honor. Even when it wasn’t my turn to serve that month I still did it. Thanks again for sharing!

  9. spaghettipie

    Loved this, Dan, especially as I have been mulling over many of the same things myself and just hadn’t yet put them into words-on-screen. Thanks!

  10. Charity Singleton

    Dan – I took communion on your side just so I could be served by you and Tina. It was so special and sacred that it was you two there. Thanks for this post.


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serving communion

by Rev. Dan King time to read: 2 min