by Rev. Dan King | Jul 8, 2009 | east africa
I was only at the airport before this trip started to impact me. As I sat there waiting to board my first flight, I couldn’t help but to wonder what this mission trip was going to do to me. Would I come home a different person? How would my heart and my mind be...
by Kelli Ross | Jul 6, 2009 | engaged in culture
by Kelli Ross LIETNHOM, SUDAN — For Deng Agei conflict is a part of life. After living through two decades of civil war in South Sudan, relative peace had come to his village of Lietnhom, where he opened a microbusiness and sold a variety of household goods and food...
by Rev. Dan King | Jul 5, 2009 | east africa Widgets In May of 2009 I joined a team of businessmen from around the United States as Five Talents International (FTI) sent us out for a Business as Mission (BAM) Trip to Kenya and Uganda. FTI is a faith-based organization that fights poverty with...
by About Guest Blogger | Jun 25, 2009 | creativity and art
by Carole Turner I can read of you and I feel something. I even cry when I see you thin and hungry. I judge you when you hold a sign, when you smell, or look ugly. I drive by you walking in the rain. I see you sleeping on the street again. When I touch you, I want...