by Kelli Ross | Dec 8, 2008 | engaged in culture
Thanks to the income his mother now earns from her small food business, 10-year-old Akot has begun first grade, the first step toward his dream of becoming a doctor. Ahok, Akot’s mother, used small loans to begin selling prepared food items, like vegetable dishes and...
by Kelli Ross | Dec 1, 2008 | engaged in culture
Twelve-year-old Atupenda hopes to become a teacher one day. This fifth grader attends school in Kilolo, Tanzania. Her favorite subject is English, and she plays netball after school with her friends. Her mother, Atuitie, recently paid back her first loan of $75 to the...
by Kelli Ross | Nov 24, 2008 | engaged in culture
By Kelli Ross Five-year-old Esther is thankful for milk. Since her mother, Phiong, joined GERHATI in Jakarta, Indonesia, and expanded her cake business, her family of six can now afford to buy nutritious food and to pay for Esther’s school fees – she’s in kindergarten...
by Rev. Dan King | Oct 15, 2008 | engaged in culture
Poverty is one of the biggest problems that our world faces today. Many experts believe that the gap is widening and that simply throwing more aid at the problem only makes it worse. They also share that the best way to bring people out of poverty is by enabling...
by Rev. Dan King | Sep 23, 2008 | ministry
I just came across this article about an effort to get more clean drinking water to poor areas in Africa. In many areas of Africa the lack of clean water is a major problem, and often results in widespread disease. Pump Aid is doing some great work particularly in...