[the idea camp] closing session

Written by Rev. Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father (bio and adopted). deacon and director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. president of fistbump media, llc.

August 29, 2009

The Idea Camp D.C.

Who: Abandon Films, Greg Russinger (Just One), Jonathan Olinger (Discover the Journey), Nicky Yates (charity:water), Gregg Helvey (Kavi the movie), Larry Martin (IJM)

Greg Russinger: Just One was started by a group of people who were concerned about the needy and marginalized in Ventura. After asking the question, “what can we do?” one guy said, “I think that people might treat me differently if I had clean clothes.” This kicked off Laundry Love with laundromats so that people like this could get their clothes washed. Now they have things like wi-fi computer access so that the people can look for jobs (and other things) while waiting on their laundry. With things like this, there is now a movement happening with open source ideas through Just One. If we want to live a creative life, then we must sit in the middle of ‘it’ so that you can fully experience and understand it. You’ve got to open yourself up and allow yourself to be changed by what is going on around you. As we live in a stance of humility, God sets us up for some really good things.

bibledude: Time on the street baby… This challenged me to really consider how much I make outreach decisions from the comfort of my own living room as compared to being in the environment that I would like to affect. It seems to me the simple act of getting out there is something that will make a big difference in my ability to impact my world.

[vimeo 6315738 Discover the Journey NO MORE TEARS [teaser]]

[vimeo 6202666 The story of charity:water – The 2009 September Campaign Trailer]

Jonathan Olinger, Nicky Yates, Gregg Helvey: When storytelling you have to let the people themselves tell the story rather than trying to tell it for them (when possible). It is powerful when you get into the lives of the people who actually experience injustices. Connect people to the things in their lives that people can relate to. Storytelling doesn’t need fancy equipment and high-production values. There are lots of cheap/free ways to tell the story. If you have a good story, then other people may jump on board and help with higher production efforts.

bibledude: I know that in the church I attend we’ve been discussing how we need to get better at telling the story, so this is something that hits home for me as well. Social media seems to be a great tool to help share the story for low cost. Content is king!

Larry Martin: You need to have a BHAG… a Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal. Two things to leave us with: (1) Ideas that God blesses, and (2) What does it take? Stop asking to get involved with what we are doing, instead get involved with what God is already doing… it is already blessed! We have to be willing to work hard to accomplish things. The other thing that we need is to have faith. Jesus acts when we He sees that we believe Him that things can happen. Jesus takes responsibility for the miracles that we are trying to do. Finally, it takes a willingness to pay the price. You are going to see God do some incredible things!

bibledude: Amen!


More from ICDC: live blogging @theideacamp conference


  1. jessegiglio

    Thanks for the coverage, wouldʻve loved to be there. Gregʻs a friend of mine from Ventura, we worked on some cool stuff together, glad you got to see him.

  2. BibleDude

    @laundrylove (aka Greg Russinger) was awesome! I'd love to bottle some of his creativity and passion to impact the world! This recap captured some key thoughts, but barely scratches the surface of what he shared.

    Let me know if you want to write up a little more about some of the stuff that you guys have worked on… I'd love to feature it in my [ministry spotlight] series! There's a free book in it for whoever submits something…

  3. jessegiglio

    Thanks for the coverage, wouldʻve loved to be there. Gregʻs a friend of mine from Ventura, we worked on some cool stuff together, glad you got to see him.

  4. BibleDude

    @laundrylove (aka Greg Russinger) was awesome! I'd love to bottle some of his creativity and passion to impact the world! This recap captured some key thoughts, but barely scratches the surface of what he shared.

    Let me know if you want to write up a little more about some of the stuff that you guys have worked on… I'd love to feature it in my [ministry spotlight] series! There's a free book in it for whoever submits something…


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[the idea camp] closing session

by Rev. Dan King time to read: 3 min