the music within me

Written by Duane Scott

GENERAL EDITOR I'm a writer, nature lover, a friend, a singer (in the shower), a Cheetos lover and a Snuggie hater. And God and I are buddies.

March 15, 2011

I don’t want to write today.

Because the only story I have within me to be written, I’d rather not write. As my mother once told me, “Sometimes the truth doesn’t need to be shared… because sometimes it doesn’t reflect well on your character.”

Although right now would be one of those times, this story wouldn’t make sense unless I told the whole truth. Anyway, it’s not a newsflash to any of you that I have flaws. Lots and lots of flaws.

The other day, as I drove my car to work, “the mood” gripped me. As it wrapped its icy fingers around my soul, I grinned and slipped the gearshift into racing mode, smashed my foot against the accelerator, and felt myself being slammed against the leather seat.

The tires emitted a glorious sound and as if on cue, “the mood” heightened.

80… 90… 100…

Adrenaline pumped through my veins, my heart palpitated within my chest, and my fingers drummed insistently on the steering wheel.

With my corner fast approaching, I eased up on the accelerator.

Just when the needle of my speedometer had fallen below 60, a police car topped the hill. After allowing him to pass, I smirked and punched the accelerator again. Once again, the tires were music to my ears.

Music to my ears. A symphony. A choir. A chorus of angels. Heavenly angels. My tires. Rubber meeting asphalt. Screeching. Squealing.

With a new clarity, I saw “it”.

I saw The Director in the heavens, hands raised in rhythm, motioning to the earth below.

In praise to Him, somewhere a whale slaps its tail against the Atlantic.  Deep in the jungle, an ensemble of brightly colored birds sing. A baboon beats against its chest. Waterfalls thunder against the rocks. A stream burbles. A mother sings.  Laughter of children fill the air.

God’s music.

I punched my foot against the accelerator again. This time the screech from my tires annoyed me. My smile disappeared and again, I saw “it”.

I’m that kid, the one in the back row, cheeks bulging and forehead creased in concentration as I jab clumsy fingers against the valves of the tuba raised to my lips.

A sound escapes, half fog horn-half tires screeching.

The Director winks at me, encouraging me to keep trying to be a part of His music. We both know the off-key tunes I make don’t always blend in perfect harmony with His music. I smile back, thinking to myself, “Despite it all, He never quits reminding me. He never gives up on me.”

As I climbed from my car, I heard music.

The birds were singing. The snow was melting. Squirrels scampered about, chattering to each other. Spring had arrived.

As if thinking on its own, my foot started tap tap tapping to the rhythm around me. I smiled as I felt the sun against my face. Like some sort of Tennessee hillbilly, I started whistling. And suddenly, I began gyrating on this earthen floor, moving to the sounds of God’s music…. in praise to Him.

And The Director smiled.

-Duane Scott



  1. Randy

    Oh…to live in perfect harmony to the ongoing symphony led by the orchestra master! Thanks for the reminder that I’ve a part to play in my section. Let’s make beautiful music together!!…and God is our audience of one!!!

    • Anonymous

      *blows tuba noisily*

      I’m with you Randy. 🙂 You sing… and I’ll try to keep the squealing from my tires to a minimum. 🙂

      • Randy

        Oh no…the tires are awesome. I’ve squealed a few in my life. I’m thinking a Mustang Saleen or we could go retro with a ’69 Cobra Jet!

        • Anonymous


          If you get a ’69 Cobra Jet, I’m coming to visit you.

          And I get to drive. 🙂


  2. Cindee Snider Re

    AWESOME post, Duane!! Sometimes there is a passion welling deep inside and although the outlet might not be right (with teen drivers in the house, I’m definitely not condoning the whole speed thing!), our souls need to breathe and when that passion aligns with God’s, the whole world is a symphony, a masterpiece of mystery and emotion and connection with the infinite, holy I AM.

    • Anonymous


      I love your thoughts. I should have consulted you before writing this post. 😉

      And I think it’s important to say that I have a clean driving record. I guess I just get lucky time and time again because I’m not a perfect driver obviously.

      Thanks for commenting.


  3. Anonymous

    I love this post, Duane, and it’s something I’ve been challenged with in the past – that following Christ is less about rules and regulations and more about getting in tune with His rhythm and His song.

    • Anonymous


      Those rules and regulations get all of us I think. 🙂 I’m guilty I know. If we could all get the vision that God is a friend, and not someone handing out a list of rules, we’d learn how it is to live truly free.

      That’s what I want anyway. 🙂


  4. Kristinherdy

    I like being part of His big musical number – makes me feel like I made first chair.

  5. Jay Cookingham

    I don’t think a tuba would fit inside my 65 Mustang…if I had a 65 Mustang…thanks for the ride!

    • Anonymous


      If you get a 65 Mustang, let me know. 🙂


  6. Dusty Rayburn

    Gotta love His symphony! Tuba though? I had you pegged as a saxophone.

    I enjoyed this ride you brought us on… sounds similar to some of my own.

    • @bibledude

      LOL… I sit in the sax section…

    • Anonymous


      I don’t play the tuba. 🙂

      It’s all big and horny or something. And horns annoy me.

      Thanks for your comment!


  7. Jennifer@GDWJ

    Have you heard Louie Giglio speak about all the ways that creation praises its Creator in a holy symphony? Everything from whales to budding flowers to celestial bodies. It’s amazing. Even the rocks cry out … And I, for one, don’t want the rocks to out-do my praise!

    • @bibledude

      Very cool about the Louie Giglio stuff… love him! And I almost hate to mention it because of the controversy right now, but Rob Bell has a cool Nooma video with a similar concept…

      Rhythm (this is the trailer for it, but i think others may have posted the full-length copies out there as well)

      …but if I mention Rob Bell I might get pegged as a heretic right now… I hope my reference doesn’t offend anyone!

      • Anonymous


        I actually haven’t heard anything about the controversy concerning Rob Bell. In fact, I’m so far removed, I don’t even know who he is. 🙂


        • Crystal

          Duane – don’t worry about the controversy concerning Rob Bell. Controversy can be good for conversation or it can be harmful … I’m riding it out to see which way this one turns.

          Rob Bell does have some great stuff out there – and as I read your post, I have to admit the video that Dan is talking about came to my mind as well!

    • Anonymous

      I’ve heard Louie Giglio speak and yes, it was amazing. The way he intricately explained every detail of the universe, it was just “wow”. I think I could listen to him for a few hours straight without even having to take intermission. 🙂

  8. Melissa Brotherton

    You’re a tuba? I was a clarinet. I wanted to go professional and have a bright red one. Didn’t happen. I like the idea of being in symphony with God and creation though.

    • Anonymous

      Melissa… I never played the tuba. It was a metaphor.

      I think tuba players are all awkward and kinda cool. 🙂


  9. SandraHeskaKing

    Oh, to dance to the music every day!

    I trust you had both hands on the wheel and weren’t eating Cheetos and driving with your knee?

    Saying a prayer for Jess. 😉

    • Anonymous


      Both hands were on the wheel. 🙂

      I have a clean driving record.

  10. Adam

    Love this Duane!

    • Anonymous

      Thank you Adam!

  11. Lynn Mosher

    LOL Oh, Duane! You are such a wonderful music maker! 😀

    • Anonymous

      Thanks Lynn! 🙂

  12. seekingpastor

    And the Director smiled–such a good visual. And such a marvellous symphony. I need to trust Him more.

  13. nance|marie

    a speedy turning of pages…zoom zoom zoom

  14. Crystal

    What a great post – full of INCREDIBLE images of God being active in our lives. I love it!!

  15. Angela Garcia

    Wow. Took my breath away. Just like Switchfoot’s “Your Love Is A Song”… I hear the music today, too.

    Thank you for sharing this!

  16. Deidra

    Oh my goodness! We were worshipping together – one state away from each other!


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the music within me

by Duane Scott time to read: 3 min