I'll be honest. Just writing this stuff on how to lament is tough. I've gotten feedback as I share on this topic that some people just can't relate. Some prefer to focus on the joy of the Lord, and others on simply finding contentment. And all due respect to other...
Life of Worship
lament: a perspective on sadness in the bible
Wanna know something that drives me crazy? Happiness. Not all happiness. I’m very pro-happiness. I just don’t like fake happiness. You know, the kind people show you at church when you ask them how they’re doing. People put on the smile, and tell you, “I’m doing...
Jesus is like topsoil [4 thoughts about our relationship with Christ]
I'm a sucker for a good simile. Especially ones that help me understand my faith. Statements like, "Jesus is like a [blank]," help us to understand various characteristics of his nature. In fact, the Scriptures are full of names for God which all tell us a great deal...
9 songs that inspire my christian faith
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” These are some insightful words from Plato.
the #codexinstagramus initiative: a bible photography project
What if you could only use pictures to tell the story of the Gospel? I've been...
carrying christmas
My husband and I will celebrate our 42nd wedding anniversary on Wednesday. On...
three musicians you should know
I'm trying to come down from a Frio River high after four days at Laity Lodge...
what to do when you’re scared spitless
Sandra's note: Susan Etole sees deeper than many I know. She's uncapped her...