What if you could only use pictures to tell the story of the Gospel? I've been thinking a great deal about Luke, the writer of his Gospel and the Book of Acts. The influence of his writing is unquestionable. But one thing most people don't know about him is that he...
Life of Worship
carrying christmas
My husband and I will celebrate our 42nd wedding anniversary on Wednesday. On Friday, I'll remove my diamond rings. Not to worry, though. It's only temporary. I've had my flu shot, popped my first malaria pills, and packed last year's Cipro just in case. I'm making a...
three musicians you should know
I'm trying to come down from a Frio River high after four days at Laity Lodge in the Hill Country of Texas with members of The High Calling. On second thought, I don't want to come down. I want to immerse myself in the sounds of running water and a crackling fire, the...
what to do when you’re scared spitless
Sandra's note: Susan Etole sees deeper than many I know. She's uncapped her pen today to share just a few words with us about the power of scripture when we're facing dragons. Susan writes: I’m apprehensive going into this procedure. Scared spitless would be a more...
the testing of boundaries
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of...
power of the Blood
On Monday, we take communion around our worn dining table after missing it on...
how we love
Lillee bounces down the aisle and slides into the pew like she comes to this...
when you find it hard to forgive
When Joseph’s brothers saw that their father was dead, they said, “What if...