This has become one of my favorite activities every month… checking out what readers are buying through this site. It gives me some great insight into what people are digging into, and what kinds of discussions here are really resonating with folks.
book reviews
Bible Literacy
Book Reviews
[the 7 project] month two: clothes [serialposts]It literally drove my wife nuts. As I was preparing (the day before leaving) for a mission trip, I needed to pick up a couple new pairs of 'missions pants'. I was in and out of 3 stores in about 30 minutes, and...
book review: sacrilege [finding life in the unorthodox ways of jesus]
I recently had a pretty deep conversation with my nephew about God. I've always had a perspective on religious things that he's respected. He's a senior in high school, and has a lot of stuff to figure out right now. His struggle was reconciling the God of the Bible...
the first epistle of saint john
1 John is a short yet powerful letter. It is most likely written by John the disciple of Jesus. We believe that it was John the disciple as opposed to another John because the author states that he was an eyewitness in 1:1-2. It is also believed that the Greek...
book review: love-powered parenting [loving your kids the way Jesus loves you]
When my copy of Love-Powered Parenting: Loving Your Kids the Way Jesus Loves...
[the 7 project] month one: food [serialposts]I'm fat. Technically,...
book review: when helping hurts [how to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor … and yourself]
It was all starting to make perfect sense. I listened to stories about...
the 7 project [an experimental mutiny against excess] The thoughts running through my head make me sick to...