
Bible Literacy
Book Reviews
untidy conclusions and the messy middle place

untidy conclusions and the messy middle place

The first morning of the Great Darkness, I slid out the back door into deafening silence. The door shuddered down the track and then glided closed again with a groan. I reached up, up - stretching my leg muscles with tip-toed feet in worn sneakers - then down past my...

God’s Word…

God’s Word…

One Friday night when I was 18, a friend and I left to do one of those college visits, the ones to see if you want to spend huge sums of money on over four years, and most likely the twenty years following also.  I had a soccer game that night, so we embarked on our,...

stuck doing 35 in a 45

stuck doing 35 in a 45

I love the morning drive when I take my son to school. Well, most of it. We don't always talk much. But we pray together every morning when we get close to the school. That's my favorite time, as I lift him up to the Lord, ask for protection, and that He grant him...

vagrant spirituality

vagrant spirituality

"So easily 'spirituality' becomes a cafeteria through which we walk making selections according to our taste an appetite... confinement turns into concentration, illusion transmutes into hope, death changes to resurrection." - Eugene Peterson I'm a bit of a vagrant...

The Story That
Changed Everything

