Mission accomplished. Our work is done, and we now begin our journeys home. First the long drive across Uganda from Kasese to Kampala. Then after our last night our team flies together from Kampala to Nairobi to London where we part ways and I board my flight from...
Activist Faith
[the africa diaries] day thirteen: our last classes
Our last day of teaching ended up being one of the hardest days for me on this trip for several reasons. Some of it was related to the obvious realization that our time was nearly up on this incredible journey. While I was anxious to get home to my family, there was...
god just wants your heart [an interview with tom davis]
Every day extreme poverty drives innocent children into drastic situations. As a result many are unwillingly sold into slavery to do the unthinkable. One of the people who stands up for those children is Tom Davis, president of Children's HopeChest. I recently had the...
google maps images of #haiti
These are some images from Google maps of Port-au-Prince, Haiti after the 1/12/2010 earthquake. In them you will see the extent of some of the devastation, and a little glimpse of what life is like in Haiti right now. A scan of the city reveals small tent-citys all...
[the africa diaries] day twelve: teaching in uganda
You've probably never heard of Rwesande. In fact, you won't even find it on a...
god in the midst of chaos [an interview with @sethbarnes]
On January 12, 2010 Haiti was rocked by a massive earthquake. While many might...
[the africa diaries] day eleven: a walk in the clouds
Her story rocked me, and still hits me hard today. But more than her story, it...
[the africa diaries] day ten: the road to kasese
It was a beautiful morning waking up in Kampala! Wow... It feels weird saying...