wordless wednesday :: dying of malaria in africa

Written by Rev. Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father (bio and adopted). deacon and director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. president of fistbump media, llc.

July 9, 2008

dying of malaria

Image courtesy of boardingpasses.org.
Inspired by spaghettipie.

activist faith, adoption, orphan care




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  1. Shelia

    How very difficult to look at. God’s Will be done.

  2. Shelia

    How very difficult to look at. God’s Will be done.

  3. Shelia

    How very difficult to look at. God’s Will be done.

  4. CK Go Places

    That’s a stunning image! It tells a lot of story behind it.

  5. CK Go Places

    That’s a stunning image! It tells a lot of story behind it.

  6. CK Go Places

    That’s a stunning image! It tells a lot of story behind it.

  7. Dan King

    I agree with all of you on this. It tells a pretty powerful story about what is happening. I thought that it would be good to share this one in light of the “eight dollar hot dog” video that spaghettipie shared. The statement at the end where the dude got the phone call from a friend in Africa where the kids kept dying from Malaria, and he pointed out that the medication for it was cheaper than his food that night.

    This image, I believe, puts some faces to that story.

    The thing is that Malaria is a MAJOR problem in many third-world countries. But it is completely curable. The reason that it is such a large problem is that the people cannot afford the medication (which coincedentally is quite cheap to us). So the kids dying of this disease are esentially dying of poverty.

    What do we need to do to help our brothers and sisters?

  8. Dan King

    I agree with all of you on this. It tells a pretty powerful story about what is happening. I thought that it would be good to share this one in light of the “eight dollar hot dog” video that spaghettipie shared. The statement at the end where the dude got the phone call from a friend in Africa where the kids kept dying from Malaria, and he pointed out that the medication for it was cheaper than his food that night.

    This image, I believe, puts some faces to that story.

    The thing is that Malaria is a MAJOR problem in many third-world countries. But it is completely curable. The reason that it is such a large problem is that the people cannot afford the medication (which coincedentally is quite cheap to us). So the kids dying of this disease are esentially dying of poverty.

    What do we need to do to help our brothers and sisters?

  9. Dan King

    I agree with all of you on this. It tells a pretty powerful story about what is happening. I thought that it would be good to share this one in light of the “eight dollar hot dog” video that spaghettipie shared. The statement at the end where the dude got the phone call from a friend in Africa where the kids kept dying from Malaria, and he pointed out that the medication for it was cheaper than his food that night.

    This image, I believe, puts some faces to that story.

    The thing is that Malaria is a MAJOR problem in many third-world countries. But it is completely curable. The reason that it is such a large problem is that the people cannot afford the medication (which coincedentally is quite cheap to us). So the kids dying of this disease are esentially dying of poverty.

    What do we need to do to help our brothers and sisters?


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wordless wednesday :: dying of malaria in africa

by Rev. Dan King time to read: <1 min