[12 days of awesomeness] day one: paper bridges

Written by Rev. Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father (bio and adopted). deacon and director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. president of fistbump media, llc.

December 7, 2009

paper-bridgesMonica Brand is a rebel with a cause.

She blogs at at Paper Bridges where she calls herself “just another Jesus freak, homeschooling mom with a blog.” The web is full of homeschooling moms who have taken up blogging, but one thing that I really appreciate about this one is that she seems to love to engage culture. She discusses things things that are culturally relevant, and never seems to be satisfied with everyday, typical church-ianity.

I think that I originally found her blog through the HighCallingBlogs.com network, where she is listed with the culture blogs.

However,  my most significant interaction with her came when she joined a group blogging project here at BibleDude.net on Dino Rizzo’s book Servolution: Starting a Church Revolution Through Serving. Her vlog on chapter two of the book is still one of my favorite entries for a group blogging project so far. Partially because she is still the only one to submit a video entry as a post for one of these projects, but also because I can see how she strives to apply the concepts at a very practical level in her own life.

I love to see people who stretch themselves and other people for the faith. I encourage you to check out Paper Bridges, and join in with her in taking on the culture head-on. I don’t think that you’ll regret it!


Check out the complete list!

activist faith, adoption, orphan care




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  1. @kylelreed

    That seems like a cool site, thanks for the link.
    Looking forward to the next 11 days of awesomeness.

  2. BibleDude

    Sweet! Thanks dude! I also just got a 'headline' post up for this series as well so that there is a central point to check for all of them. I'm looking forward to sharing this list!

  3. Monica Brand

    dude… I am so far from awesome, but I'll take it. 🙂

    thanks for the lovely comments. the blogosphere is jammed with so many awesome bloggers, I'm honored you would include me in such a group.

    Be strong and courageous,

    monica @ paperbridges.net

  4. BibleDude

    The blogosphere IS filled with lots of great blogs, and this one is one of them! The willingness to engage culture the way you do is what I think really impresses me the most. I wish more Christian bloggers would do the same…

    I appreciate your humility Monica, but I definitely see you as an shining example! Enjoy it dude!

  5. Monica Brand

    dude… I am so far from awesome, but I'll take it. 🙂

    thanks for the lovely comments. the blogosphere is jammed with so many awesome bloggers, I'm honored you would include me in such a group.

    Be strong and courageous,

    monica @ paperbridges.net

  6. BibleDude

    The blogosphere IS filled with lots of great blogs, and this one is one of them! The willingness to engage culture the way you do is what I think really impresses me the most. I wish more Christian bloggers would do the same…

    I appreciate your humility Monica, but I definitely see you as an shining example! Enjoy it dude!


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[12 days of awesomeness] day one: paper bridges

by Rev. Dan King time to read: 1 min