by Rev. Dan King | Apr 1, 2022 | ministry
The first eight months have gone by really fast. And in that (short) time, I’ve been learning a lot in my first job being on church staff. I’ve done a lot over the years in a volunteer capacity, but there’s something different about doing ministry in...
by Rev. Dan King | Mar 11, 2022 | bible literacy, book reviews
When I stepped into my new role as Director of Family Ministries (and youth minister) at St. Edward’s Episcopal Church, one of the biggest things on my heart was to ensure that the children and youth in our church understood how to study the Bible well. I mean,...
by Rev. Dan King | Nov 3, 2021 | bible literacy
Editorial Note: This post is part of how to study the Bible (the complete series). Bible interpretation is part science and part art. There are two phases that you’ll go through. The first phase is working to discover the original intent of the writer. And the...
by Rev. Dan King | Oct 8, 2021 | bible literacy
Editorial Note: This post is part of how to study the Bible (the complete series). After building some foundational context for the Bible and understanding the dynamics of the original languages and modern English translations, we can now explore how to do a Bible...
by Rev. Dan King | Oct 3, 2021 | bible literacy
Editorial Note: This post is part of how to study the Bible (the complete series). Because it is the foundational text for the Christian faith, a survey of the New Testament helps to ground us in interpreting any part of it. One of the basic rules of Bible...