god just wants your heart [an interview with tom davis]

Written by Rev. Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father (bio and adopted). deacon and director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. president of fistbump media, llc.

April 2, 2010

Every day extreme poverty drives innocent children into drastic situations. As a result many are unwillingly sold into slavery to do the unthinkable. One of the people who stands up for those children is Tom Davis, president of Children’s HopeChest. I recently had the opportunity to catch up with Tom to talk about some of the amazing work that he is doing.

What I found was a man who passionately pursues the heart of Christ by simply stepping out to do what he can, and in the process has discovered that God always shows up once he takes that first step.

[vimeo 10623455 nolink]

In this video, Tom mentioned the 5 for 50 movement. You can get more information about it at www.5for50.com. We strongly encourage you to step out in faith and join the many others who have decided to take a stand for these children.

I also encourage you to check out our review on Tom’s book Scared: A Novel on the Edge of the World.

Recorded using Vodburner for Skype.


  1. Paul Steinbrueck

    Sounds like the kind of book that will break your heart and then fill it with hope. That's something that's important to have happen on a regular basis.

  2. @bibledude

    The stuff that @cthomasdavis writes about does break your heart, but he's writing about real issues in the world today. He's an amazing writer, and is doing some great work to bring awareness and inspiration regarding these important issues.

    I think that you'll enjoy the book Paul… since you are the winner of the autographed copy! I'll follow up via email to find out where I need to mail it. Thanks for dropping by to comment!

  3. HisFireKids

    Any work to take care of those kids is a heart issue and actually walking out the gospel….I will tweet your work!

  4. @bibledude

    I strongly believe that the worst evils are those committed against children, and @cthomasdavis is leading the fight against these problems in the world today. Poverty-stricken children have a strong advocate in Tom, and I truly admire the work that he is doing.

    I appreciate the tweets, because anything that can be done to get his work in front of more people helps. Thanks!

  5. Joshua

    i agree, completely. nothing is more sickening than someone who abuses or hurts a child. i cant abide any form of that, be it on tv or in a movie or wherever; child abuse makes me sick. to quote from one of my favorite fictional characters, Rorshach:

    “i wish all this scum of the earth had one throat, and i had my hands about it”

    i certainly feel that way sometimes…its comforting to know that children have such committed advocates as well as heavenly ones.


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god just wants your heart [an interview with tom davis]

by Rev. Dan King time to read: 1 min