group blogging project: real-time connections

Written by Rev. Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father (bio and adopted). deacon and director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. president of fistbump media, llc.

February 22, 2010

When Jesus instructs us to, “GO into all the world,” we often struggle with exactly how we can do that when we have to keep up with our jobs and families. If that describes you, then you’ll want to check out this latest group blogging project on a new book called Real-Time Connections. Zondervan describes the book in this way… 

Real-Time Connections, by Bob Roberts Jr., will show you how to use your everyday passions to make a global impact … while staying attentive to your job, your home, and your family.
The Great Commission is not just for professional clergy; it is a charge to every follower of Christ—ordinary Christians like you and me. Bob Roberts urges you as a disciple of Jesus to reclaim your share in God’s transforming work around the globe. Roberts illuminates the ways that Christians from any walk of life can use the everyday skills of their career and/or passion in service of God’s kingdom.
Today’s global economy offers you, a follower of Jesus, opportunities to interact with nations and people groups once accessed only by remote missionaries. This book demonstrates the world-changing possibilities your vocation holds when used in service of God’s kingdom

Sounds cool, huh? Over the next few weeks one person from this project will lead us through each part of the book sharing their thoughts, perspectives, and feelings. And we’ve got an exciting lineup of people who will be helping us work through the book together!

The schedule along with who will be sharing is as follows:

  1. rethinking the great commission – Christina Meyer, @therealshortyc (Servant’s Diary)
  2. hearing God’s call – Marcus Goodyear, @mdgoodyear (Good Word Editing)
  3. your job is your ministry – Sam Van Eman (New Breed of Advertisers)
  4. linking to the world – David Rupert, @RupZip (Red Letter Believers)
  5. living as a disciple – Scott Rogers
  6. engaging society – Bryant Neal (Camak Baptist Church)
  7. serving together – Bonnie Irving, @scrubbybubbles (Bonnie’s Random Thoughts)
  8. sweating the work – Bradley J. Moore, @shrinkingcamel (Shrinking the Camel)
  9. making space for everyone – Laura Boggess, @lauraboggess (The Wellspring)
  10. stop subverting the message – Mike Kress, @tursiopsguy

So stay tuned for some great discussion, and please feel free to jump into the comments and share your thoughts! In the meantime, here are a few things that you can do right now…

  • Buy the book. It will be a much better experience for you if you follow along in your own copy of the book.
  • Subscribe to updates. Get the latest posts in this series in your email inbox or favorite feed reader. This is the best way to keep up with everything!
  • Tweet it up! Follow @bibledude and retweet updates from this event. If you want to share your own tweets, make sure that you use the #realtime hashtag.


  1. laraj

    I'm looking forward to this, dude! Great supplement to Loving Mondays, the book we are discussing over at HCB right now. Dissatisfaction with the way we integrate our faith, work, home, and all parts of our lives seems to be a pretty pervasive problem. Balance is a relative term for a Christian. Learning to keep Christ first and honor Him in those other areas is challenging in the midst of the daily grind.

    Hoping this book has some insights!

  2. @bibledude

    This is a pretty exciting project! The book that we are reviewing brings a much needed call to think more about the Great Commission in everything that we do! I love the discussion that you are leading over at on Loving Mondays, and look forward to your contribution to this project! Thanks Laura!


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group blogging project: real-time connections

by Rev. Dan King time to read: 2 min