- We were just able to tell Dario (one of our translators) that his character just got him a job and a mentor with one of the local partners. #
- @kristabelieves wishing you a happy valentines day too! Wish I was home to celebrate with you, but “it’ll be worth it”… right? #loveyou #
- At the construction site, one of the local workers just brought lunch over for the crew… spaghetti noodles and ketchup! #haitiwhnf #
- The local workers here have such a strong work ethic and much of our team is just honored to serve and be around them. #haitiwhnf #goodwork #
- one of the workers just pulled a photo of his son out of his wallet to show us (without being asked). #prouddad #justlikeus #haitiwhnf #
- the haitian worker i’m talking with is a single dad who does construction work, but would like to learn to be a mechanic. #haitidreams #
- Mmm… I can smell the onion and pepper that’s being cooked over an wood fire in some of the houses around here. #haitifood #
- @scott4arrows what I didn’t know was that those onions I smelled were for us! #ohmygosh they were awesome! #
- I’m learning so much about community here in #haiti It’s beautiful to see people care for each other they way they do. #loveyourneighbor #
- @sethhaines #pwenbouton (that’s #fistbump in creole) #
- @sethhaines or more appropriately #korem (what the haitians call the #fistbump #

- About to meet with Pastor St. Cyr from the Tent Cities. Really cool opportunity! #
- “God burdened my heart to go to the Tent City, and I’ve never seen such thing. 65,000 people in one place.” Pastor St Cyr #
- “On the third day after the earthquake people came because they heard the praise and worship on our sound system.” – Pastor St. Cyr #
- “God always works in the midst of anything. He always provides.” – Pastor St. Cyr #
- I just got an ice cold Coke in a glass bottle from Pastor St. Cyr. #refreshing #haitiwhnf #
- “We are giving some women interest-free loans and training so that they can start business and provide for their kids.” – Pastor St. Cyr #
- “We’ve given loans to people who used to come for bread, and now they are not coming for bread anymore.” Pastor St. Cyr #
- “I don’t like to see when people cannot do something for themselves. When you come, you can teach whatever you know.” Pastor St. Cyr #haiti #
- “Some are teachers and some are lawyers. They are not ‘tent city people’, they are people!” – Pastor St. Cyr #haiti #potsc #labelslie #
- Just toured the Tent City, and I’m at a loss for words. The encouraging part is that it’s only half the population of about a year ago. #
- One word that stands out when seeing people living in these Tent City conditions, as bad as they are, is… #perseverance #haitiwhnf #
- Leaving church service in Petionville Tent City (JP01) now, and it’s exciting to know that the Spirit of God is alive in this place! #haiti #
Thank you for this. All of it. For enduring the separation from your primary loved ones so you can go love on these others. For sharing the glimpses…the spaghetti noodles and ketchup. The proud dad who whips out his wallet.Pastor St. Cyr’s heart. The hope of a job for Dario. Wow. Bless you!