Recently I have had the opportunity to review the book Generation Hex: Understanding the Subtle Dangers of Wicca. This book written by Marla Alupoaicei and Dillon Burroughs is an interesting study into the world of witchcraft and spirituality. In addition to reviewing the book had the pleasure of picking Marla’s and Dillon’s brains about the topic. Here are the results of that interview… Where did you get the idea for the book?
Dillon: I had already worked on three world religion books where I had included some material on Wicca. However, most of my research showed most people were either unaware of Wicca or were misinformed. I thought a book that included talking with Wiccans and sharing what they had to say before comparing it to my faith made the most sense. Our publisher, located in Eugene, Oregon, is in a very strong Wiccan community and saw the need for the project. We did our homework on the proposal and after sharing our passion for it at a meeting during ICRS in 2007, were offered a contract in less than 30 days.
Marla: Dillon asked me to partner with him on the book to provide the female perspective on Wicca and to interview women who are involved in the practice. What are the major themes of the book?

Dillon Burroughs
Dillon: It’s simply one, two: “What is Wicca?” and “What Should I Do about Wicca?” In 176 pages, we cover the basic of what Wicca is, why it matters, and how to influence those involved in it with the love of Christ. I guess you could say it’s part awareness, part outreach.
Marla: Each chapter addresses a different element of Wicca or witchcraft. We talk about Harry Potter and other media and their influence, the history of Wicca and witchcraft in America (including the Salem witch trials), the practices of Wicca, what Wiccans believe, how you can share the gospel with a Wiccan, how Wicca is spreading on college campuses, what Wiccans believe about the God and the Goddess, and much more. What do you think are the biggest similarities between Biblical Christianity and Wicca?
Dillon: Both care about people, spiritual power, community, the environment, and many other common positive issues. As we wrote in Generation Hex, “Would Jesus have invested time in those involved in Wicca if they had lived during His time on earth? Yes! They would have been very interested in His concerns for all creation, the poor, human rights, women, and His love for all humanity.”
Marla: Both teach people to honor God, to care for the earth, to care for other human beings. In both systems, people understand that there is a power that exists outside of themselves. Both systems reveal the fact that mankind is searching for meaning and truth. In a sense, both are “positive” religious systems. What do you think are the biggest differences between Biblical Christianity and Wicca?
Dillon: The number one difference is that Wiccans worship a different God. In Wicca, the focus in on the God and the Goddess. Many Wiccans also revere additional deities, ranging from the gods and goddesses of Greco-Roman mythology to African and even East Asian deities.
A second concern is that Wicca is an earth-based religion that worships the creation rather than its Creator. The apostle Paul addresses this issue in Romans 1.
Third, Wiccans emphasize magic, defining magic as having both positive and negative methods (white magic or magick versus black magick). From a biblical perspective all forms of spell-casting are considered sinful practices.
Finally, many Wiccans communicate with spirits of the dead. Again, the Bible is clear that this is a sinful practice in which those who follow Christ are not allowed to practice.

Marla Alupoaic
Marla: There are at least five major differences. Primary is the difference between what Christians believe about Scripture and what Wiccans believe. We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God, the standard for our lives. Wiccans believe it is a book that may contain some good teachings, but it is not their standard.
Secondly, we believe in the One True God as described in the Bible. Wiccans believe in a God and a Goddess who are equal, as well as a pantheon of lower gods and goddesses.
Probably most important, we believe in the person of Jesus Christ as the perfect God-Man, the Savior of the world, who bore the sins of all humanity on the cross for us and then rose from the dead so we could have eternal life. Some Wiccans believe that Jesus lived. Some believe that he may have been Gaius or another “god,” but they don’t believe that He was part of the triune God, and they do not worship Him.
Fourth, we believe that each believer receives the Holy Spirit at the time that he or she establishes a relationship with God through faith in Christ. Some Wiccans (esp. Christian Wiccans) believe that the Holy Spirit is feminine, which the Bible does not support. Other Wiccans don’t believe in the Holy Spirit at all.
Last, we believe that Satan does exist and that he opposed God and was cast to the earth along with a third of the angels, who became demons. He is the “prince of this world” and seeks to deceive people and destroy those whom God loves. Wiccans don’t believe in a literal Satan.
One of our goals with Generation Hex is to educate and enlighten those caught up in Wicca’s practices in order that they might know God and come to a knowledge of His truth. How can I talk about Jesus with someone involved in witchcraft?
Dillon: First, you have to stop looking at Wiccans or those involved in witchcraft as what I call a “potential buyer of Christianity.” People will know if you are showing interest in them only to convert them. When we think someone is talking to us just to sell us something, we automatically withdraw from that person. We don’t think that he or she truly cares about us as an individual; we think he or she is just trying to sell us a product. The same is true in talking about Jesus with Wiccans.
We don’t know exactly how to reach Wiccans and help them get to the point of making the decision to turn their lives over to Jesus, but we can tell you how to show them the love of Jesus. Treat them well. Listen to them. Smile. Be friendly. Care. When you do, people want to become more like you. They want the same joy that you have. When we see someone who radiates joy and shows real love, we automatically think, I wish I could be more like her. That’s your goal. Once a person desires what you have, tell them, “It’s Jesus. He’s the difference-maker.” Make your life and your actions stand out, and you’ll have the opportunity to tell people why you are so extraordinary. A life transformed by God speaks volumes! Amen!
I work with, a family-friendly bookstore, who will be hosting an online chat with Dillon Burroughs and Marla Alupoaicei to discuss this book further on Wednesday, Sept. 17 from 2-3 p.m. EDT. Please join us if you can at
I work with, a family-friendly bookstore, who will be hosting an online chat with Dillon Burroughs and Marla Alupoaicei to discuss this book further on Wednesday, Sept. 17 from 2-3 p.m. EDT. Please join us if you can at
I work with, a family-friendly bookstore, who will be hosting an online chat with Dillon Burroughs and Marla Alupoaicei to discuss this book further on Wednesday, Sept. 17 from 2-3 p.m. EDT. Please join us if you can at
Thanks for the heads up! I’ll bet that the online chat with these two will be pretty powerful!
Merry Meet!
I am a proud Wiccan and ordained minister of the Universal Life Church.
Wicca is one of many beautiful religions. There is nothing evil about it, nor should anyone fear of its practices. For the former wiccans that left to become christian, all that means that Wicca wasn’t the right path for them. We all should choose the path that well fits us.
Wicca is an modern revival of the ancient pagan belief of Europe. These pagan beliefs consist of Celtic, Nordic, Roman traditions. The Christian holidays (christmas and easter) also derived from these pagan traditions.
Wiccans don’t worship, nor do we believe in the devil, the devil is an Judeo-Christian concept of fear.
As far as the title Generation “Hex”, Wiccan do NOT put hexes on people. We have a law called the Wiccan Rede which states “An it Harm NONE, do as ye wilt”, which means you can do what you want as long as it harms no one including yourself. We use spells as a form of prayer.
If someone wants to know about Wicca, ask a wiccan.
The authors of this book say that they interviewed current and former wiccan before they wrote this book. But i am pretty sure they used their own biased opinion and left out important positive information of Wicca when writing their book.
May i add that all faiths follow the ONE God. Each faith see the divine differently. All Gods are one God.
Unfortunately for the Authors of this book, Wicca isn’t going away. They can use all the scare tactics they want. We will continue to grow. In the U.S, Wiccans recieve the same religious freedoms as Christians and other faiths. The US Dept. of V.A granted a widow her right to put a gravestone ingraved with a wiccan pentacle on her wiccan husband’s (who died in iraq) site.There are Wiccan churches,wiccan clegypeople lead worship in the military, and prisons. We help out in our local communities. We are people just like you.
My church the universal life church motto is “we are one “, simply means we must co-exist.
Blessed Be!
Reverend Michael
Merry Meet!
I am a proud Wiccan and ordained minister of the Universal Life Church.
Wicca is one of many beautiful religions. There is nothing evil about it, nor should anyone fear of its practices. For the former wiccans that left to become christian, all that means that Wicca wasn’t the right path for them. We all should choose the path that well fits us.
Wicca is an modern revival of the ancient pagan belief of Europe. These pagan beliefs consist of Celtic, Nordic, Roman traditions. The Christian holidays (christmas and easter) also derived from these pagan traditions.
Wiccans don’t worship, nor do we believe in the devil, the devil is an Judeo-Christian concept of fear.
As far as the title Generation “Hex”, Wiccan do NOT put hexes on people. We have a law called the Wiccan Rede which states “An it Harm NONE, do as ye wilt”, which means you can do what you want as long as it harms no one including yourself. We use spells as a form of prayer.
If someone wants to know about Wicca, ask a wiccan.
The authors of this book say that they interviewed current and former wiccan before they wrote this book. But i am pretty sure they used their own biased opinion and left out important positive information of Wicca when writing their book.
May i add that all faiths follow the ONE God. Each faith see the divine differently. All Gods are one God.
Unfortunately for the Authors of this book, Wicca isn’t going away. They can use all the scare tactics they want. We will continue to grow. In the U.S, Wiccans recieve the same religious freedoms as Christians and other faiths. The US Dept. of V.A granted a widow her right to put a gravestone ingraved with a wiccan pentacle on her wiccan husband’s (who died in iraq) site.There are Wiccan churches,wiccan clegypeople lead worship in the military, and prisons. We help out in our local communities. We are people just like you.
My church the universal life church motto is “we are one “, simply means we must co-exist.
Blessed Be!
Reverend Michael
“”In 176 pages, we cover the basic of what Wicca is, why it matters, and
how to influence those involved in it with the love of Christ.””
I don’t want the love of your god.
“” We talk about Harry Potter and other media and their influence, the
history of Wicca and witchcraft in America (including the Salem witch
trials), “”
Harry Potter????? really…
That’s insulting.
Salem – the people killed in Salem where not Wiccans…
Please keep your thinly Veiled book of religious indoctrination to your self.
Wow… thanks for stopping by… i guess…
I do want to respond to a couple of things. I respect your right to not want the love of our God. And no one here is forcing you to accept it. You and I obviously don’t view Him the same way, and you sound pretty convinced about your beliefs regarding Him. Whatever the reason, you have every right to make the choices you make. I believe that, and respect that.
I also don’t think that the statement was trying to claim that the people in Salem were Wiccans, but rather that they practiced witchcraft.
As far as keeping it to ourselves… please remember that you came to a Christian website that’s talking about Christian themes as it relates to the rest of the world around us. I don’t think that we were trying to force you to read this by publishing it on a website designed for Wiccans.
And “bigots”… That’s a pretty harsh judgement to make on someone. Just for the record, I have several very good friends who are Wiccans. And we have some great conversations about what each of us believes. And while we ultimately believe different things, we still love and respect each other. I know that they would be the first to tell you that “bigot” is the furthest from the truth. So please keep your judgements to yourself… my faith teaches me to be respectful of other people. Please do the same.
Thank you.
“”So please keep your judgements to yourself””
NO sir I will not keep my judgements to myself.
There is nothing respectful about a book with the title ” Understanding the Subtle Dangers of Wicca” Maybe you should ask your Wiccan friends how they feel about this site promoting this book. There are so many Wiccans who hide there faith because of the religious “”bigotry”” that is promoted by organizations and Christian indoctrination books.
I also don’t think that the statement was trying to claim that the
people in Salem were Wiccans, but rather that they practiced witchcraft.
The people accused in Salem did not practice witchcraft, however that did not stop the God fairing of Salem from killing them, nor where they Wiccans.
What is needed is a book covering “The Dangers of Christianity”
What is needed is a book that covers the bloody history of Christianity.
What is needed is more Wiccans who will stand proudly for their faith and who will CALL a bigot, “A bigot”
Blessed be