- @thehighcalling: NEW FAMILY POST: 5 Unexpected Ways You Can Help Orphans by The Unknown Contributor #icorphanhttp://fb.me/TDwRlFVP#
- UPDATED: !C//ORPHAN http://j.mp/gdeDcq #icorphan#
- #icorphan is about to kick off… (@ First Baptist Church Rogers) http://4sq.com/e6O95d#
- Amazing set for #icorphan .. http://yfrog.com/h6lx7dgj#
The Global State of the Orphan
- @cthomasdavis sharing amazing stats about how LITTLE the church is impacting the orphan crisis. #icorphan#
- “we are the most overspent, addicted, and overweight culture ever. these numb us to feeling…” @cthomasdavis #icorphan#
- RT @nicolewick: “…we’ve ceased the ability to be vulnerable… to be fully human you need to be fully real” @cthomasdavis #ICOrphan#
- reason why we fail to help the orphan: we make ourselves too busy to be vulnerable to the pain. @cthomasdavis #icorphan#
- RT @LindseyNobles: “We stay busy so the truths of our lives cannot catch up with us.” @cthomasdavis #icorphan#
- there’s not a problem with there being enough Christians, only with the compassion we feel. @cthomasdavis #icorphan#
- RT @jheeley: “Justice has to be more than something we tweet about. It has to be lived out in our lives.” #ICOrphan#
- what can we do to help the orphan crisis? (1) act justly. @cthomasdavis #icorphan#
- what can we do to help orphans? (2) practice vulnerability @cthomasdavis #icorphan#
- what can you do to help orphans? (3) surround yourself with others who want to impact too. @cthomasdavis #icorphan#
- fatherlessness is showing itself in our music, writing, and tv/movies. it’s a big part of our culture. @johnsowers #icorphan#
- fatherlessness in america is driving our worst problems (gangs, crime, etc.) @johnsowers #icorphan#
- RT @nicolewick: Mentoring is an incarnational answer to the question of fatherlessness in our country – @johnsowers @tmproject #ICOrphan#
- RT @hope_chest: the John 10:10 video played at #ICOrphan during @cthomasdavis message on vulnerability? Here’s the link: http://ow.ly/1s4HQE#
- RT @ChloeSeal: “fatherlessness teenage pregnancies is the engine that drive abortion.” -@Johnsowers #
- RT @cthomasdavis: Listening to @Johnsowers “we need to walk with the fatherless in the same way Jesus walked into the incarnation. #ICOrphan#
- the orphan care movement is recognizing a broader picture of solutions. @orphanalliance #icorphan#
- there’s a shift to the church being central to solving the orphan crisis, through individuals stepping out. @orphanalliance #icorphan#
- start small, start where people are already doing good work, and base your work in prayer. @orphanalliance #icorphan#
- the orphan crisis CAN be resolved in our lifetime. @frankgarrott #icorphan#
- biggest barriers in orphan care: media focus on negative, we need to capture w/ positive stories @frankgarrott #icorphan#
- barrier to orphan care: too many small disjointed efforts, we need to come together. @frankgarrott #icorphan#
- churches can help support other families who adopt as a way to encourage orphan care @frankgarrott #icorphan#
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- @jonathanolinger: i am a child (video) http://vimeo.com/7226498 #icorphan#
- RT @joshuasegraves: Interview w @jonathanolinger w Discover the Journey #ICOrphanhttp://j.mp/f71raI#
- RT @johnsowers: Big fan of @jonathanolinger and @DTJ. If you want to advocate for the fatherless as an artist,he’s a great model. #ICOrphan#
- let’s move beyond “fly in the eye” media and give the children dignity. @jonathanolinger #icorphan#
- RT @nattibeth: Our job is to give platform to voices of children. (on media) @jonathanolinger #ICOrphan#
- RT @JoAnnaHale: We don’t need to give a voice to the orphan. They have voices. We need to give platform… @jonathanolinger #ICOrphan#
Workshop: Country Sessions – Haiti
- sitting in @chrismarlow‘s haiti workshop and ended up sitting next to @kristenhowerton! #fistbump @ #icorphan#
- @helpendpoverty looks to come alongside and partner with locals in #haiti who are already doing the work of God. @chrismarlow #icorphan#
- Q: what can we do right now in this moment to help us process #haiti @chrismarlow #icorphan#
- with #haiti we need to break away from our American understanding of what success looks like. #icorphan#
- w/ #haiti we shouldn’t focus on the ‘macro’, but find success in the individuals that are right in front of us. #icorphan#
- it takes sacrifice sometime to get involved in a way that will make a difference. @chrismarlow #haiti #icorphan #
- books we’re talking about in #haiti workshop: when helping hurts http://j.mp/fzJ6BM #icorphan#
- books we’re talking about in the #haiti workshop: paul farmer reader http://j.mp/h4Mlvj #icorphan#
- RT @theideacamp: And in #Haiti #ICOrphan http://yfrog.com/h4zhypjj#
Causes and Ramifications
- Worship to kick off the afternoon sessions at #icorphanhttp://yfrog.com/gyazoyij#
- traffickers prey on vulnerability for profit, and there are none more vulnerable than orphans. @roblove146 #icorphan#
- RT @theideacamp: Some great bloggers are live blogging #ICOrphan Check out @eloranicole & @bibledude. #
- RT @sethhaines: “You want to do something about trafficking? Do something about international adoption.” @ROBLOVE146 #ICOrphan#
- RT @amberrunsamuck: “When it comes to trafficking, ignorance is not bliss.” @ROBLOVE146 #icOrphan#
- RT @Dave_Truman: from @ROBLOVE146 #ICOrphan “there is but one coward on earth, and that is the one who dare not know.” Ouch. Thats me. #
- “our organization wasn’t started with stats or numbers, but because of faces of real kids.” @roblove146 #icorphan#
- “a child has to spend another night in a brothel because there’s no one to take them in? that’s crazy!” @roblove146 #icorphan#
- RT @decart: Undercover in a brothel, saw girl & thought she could B my daughter. realized she WAS someone’s daughter. @roblove146 #ICOrphan#
- we are SO much better at doing mercy than we are at doing justice. mercy’s just easier. @roblove146 #icorphan#
- i believe in a God who brings beauty from ashes, and He uses broken people like us to do it. @roblove146 #icorphan#
- malnutrition kills more kids than malaria and AIDS… combined. @mananutrition #icorphan#
- “it’s just the tip of the iceberg, but we try to take care of the few that are most severely malnourished.” @mananutrition #icorphan#
- young pregnant girls in Kenya aren’t promiscuous, they’re hungry… they trade sex for food. @wearethatfamily #icorphan#
- RT @sethhaines: “how do we go back to life as we know it? We can’t go back to the American dream.” – @Nascardad @MercyHouseKenya #ICOrphan#
- the power of social media is incredible (in the fight against poverty and the orphan care crisis) @wearethatfamily #icorphan#
- you don’t have to have enough money or be qualified, you just have to say yes (to help orphans) @wearethatfamily #icorphan#
- it’s going to take more than a dollar a day to raise a kid. we need to ask ourselves what it really takes. @garyschneider #icorphan#
- RT @saucymegstar: AIDS impacts the entire community. We must serve the community not just the ill or the orphaned. @garyschneider #ICOrphan#
- elliot only lived 99 days, but in a broken dying boy we saw Christ. @99balloonsorg #icorphan#
- the plight of the special needs orphan is just worthlessness. we believe in the beauty and brokenness of us all. @99balloonsorg #icorphan#
- we live in a culture that celebrates who can hide brokenness the best. @mattmooney @99balloonsorg #icorphan#
- RT @Dave_Truman: These children are made in image of God & we declare their worth when we hold, love, care for them. @99balloons #ICOrphan#
- selah. #icorphan#
- “she didn’t choose poverty, she was born into it.” @estherhavens #icorphan#
- “even in the midst of poverty, there is beauty.” @estherhavens #icorphan#
- RT @LindseyNobles: Listening to @estherhavens talk about how her view photojournalism changed, how she became a part of the story. #icorphan#
- it’s easy to create stereotypes of place, be careful of the images you show… get to KNOW them. @estherhavens #icorphan#
- “i want to be a part of their story, to see it change.” @estherhavens #icorphan#
- RT @joshuasegraves: “How does God see this person?” That’s an awesome photographic challenge from @EsterHavens #ICOrphan#
- RT @joshuasegraves: Check out the #ICOrphan photo stream on Flickr: http://t.co/nRlQkx4 Please RT #
- RT @sethhaines: How do we keep children from becoming orphans? “Empower women to empower themselves.” @Estherhavens #ICOrphan#
- we should be “telling stories that change stories.” @estherhavens #icorphan#
Workshop: The Psychology of Abandonment: Implications for Adoption & for Orphanage Life
- (psychologically/emotionally) adopted children have special needs, even if it isn’t diagnosable. @kristenhowerton #icorphan#
- most orphaned children are going to feel really insecure and will deal with attachment issues. @kristenhowerton #icorphan#
- orphaned kids live in multiple-caregiver situations which interfere with their ability connect/trust. @kristenhowerton #icorphan#
- we shouldn’t go into short-term mission trips just to feel better about ourselves. (participant w/ @kristenhowerton) #icorphan#
- short-term missionaries can often undermine the full time caregivers by pulling attention of the kids away. @kristenhowerton #icorphan#
- our short-term missions efforts should got to support what the full-time caregivers are doing. @kristenhowerton #icorphan#
- RT @ArtisanWarrior: Cool stats re: @theideacamp. This AM, 1035 unique viewers streams online from 26 different countries. #icorphan#
- RT @theideacamp @kristenhowerton sharing at #ICOrphanhttp://yfrog.com/gydtqzij#
The Voice of the Orphan
- “a life interrupted is a life inspired.” @gregrussinger #icorphan#
- a big part of working in orphan care is about seeing change in ourselves. @gregrussinger #icorphan#
- RT @DeborahSWest: the broken invite us to our brokenness and we get to see ourselves in a fresh way @gregrussinger #ICOrphan#
- RT @decart: When the stories of the marginalized & weak of this world interrupt us, we change. @gregrussinger #ICOrphan#
- RT @BradEMelton: #ICOrphan @gregrussinger tkn us 2 th mat http://twitpic.com/43rlct#
- everything comes down to relationship, and story is what builds those relationships. @jonathanolinger #icorphan#
- RT @RonneRock: We share the weight of each other’s pain through sharing stories. @jonathanolinger #icorphan#
- RT @AnneleyceA: “Every situation of injustice we have seen in the world is because of a broken relationship.” -@jonathanolinger #icorphan#
- RT @JamiesThots: no matter our profession, we must meet ppl where they are to help their suffering @estherhavens #icorphan#
- RT @RonneRock: The more you live another person’s story, the more complex you find the story to be. There’s always more @aaronivey #icorphan#
- RT @RonneRock: Art has an incredible way of packaging all the facts and all the nuances of story. @jonathanolinger #icorphan#
- my biggest struggle as an artist is when i’ve seen things that are too difficult to express in words/lyrics. @aaronivey #icorphan#
- RT @Dave_Truman: #ICOrphan The challenge of creativity is sharing an experience without cheapening it. #
- RT @Courtney_Now: @aaronivey: sometimes the act of creating is only about the time and experience shared with the Lord. #ICOrphan#
- RT @MeganInStones: The @AaronIvey Band at #ICOrphanhttp://j.mp/fmWAkz#
- @aaronivey band is rockin’ #icorphan right now. get their music here… http://j.mp/gBrc9Y#
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For more perspectives on adoption/orphan care check out what I’m sharing related to #icorphan.