- NEW POST: live [micro]blogging at #icorphan for 2011-02-25 http://wp.me/pyriM-2ub#
- Ready to rock day two of #icorphan .. (@ First Baptist Church Rogers w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/i9Al63#
- need a recap of #icorphan day one? http://wp.me/pyriM-2ub#
Adoption and Foster Care
- i was in charge of a $10million building project, but seeing these orphans face to face forced us to re-evaluate. – @johnwcarr #icorphan#
- every church should have an orphan care ministry. @johnwcarr #icorphan#
- RT @sethhaines: “we have to start with the needs of the child, and we must start with how to preserve family.” @johnwcarr #ICOrphan#
- RT @sethhaines: An orphanage is not a permanent place, but a temporary place of transition. – @johnwcarr #icorphan#
- RT @DeborahSWest: Man made orphanages for children; but GOD made the FAMILY for children! @johnwcarr #ICOrphan#
- we’ve got to make sure that this (orphan care) movement doesn’t become a fad. @johnwcarr #icorphan#
- we’ve got to keep this orphan care movement grounded in Scripture. @johnwcarr #icorphan#
- i don’t have to care for orphans, i GET to care for orphans. @johnwcarr #icorphan#
- RT @decart: A conformed mind is temporary. A transformed mind is permanent. Ever see a butterfly go back to cocoon? -@johnwcarr #ICOrphan#
- so many times when we say “God, i can’t do this,” He responds “thank you.” @johnwcarr #icorphan#
- Jesus thank you. Thank you for what you did for us. Thank you for the privilege of caring for orphans. @johnwcarr #icorphan#
- dan curver’s book: Reclaiming Adoption: Missional Living through the Rediscovery of Abba Father http://j.mp/dPvqH0 #icoprhan#
- RT @DeborahSWest: Orphan Care is not limited to the LARGE CHURCH; the SMALL church has the advantage! @DanCruver #ICOrphan#
- RT @LindseyNobles: weightiness in this room, around this topic, is the glory of God & it’s crushing in the best ways. @bennockels #icorphan#
- RT @DeborahSWest: 33 kids in OKC slept in a shelter last night. 33 is something a church of 150 can do something abt! @BenNockels #ICOrphan#
- RT @megantaylor312: “We need to do what we can on thus side of eternity….rescue” -@caseyhenagan #ICOrphan#
- RT @KevinDeShazo: 85% of men in US prisons are from a fatherless background. @caseyhenagan #ICOrphan#
[youtube ZPybnDR2E9E nolink]
- A Story of Hope (video by Jason Locy of FiveStone) http://youtu.be/ZPybnDR2E9E#
- RT @Dave_Truman: “‘I am going to pray that God will change your heart’, which is a completely unfair tactic” Jason Locy #
- Q ideas resource mentioned by Jason Locy: http://www.qideas.org/fatherless/ #icorphan#
- RT @amberin140: I wonder if I wasn’t so selfish how much richness my life would have. -Jason Locy #ICOrphan#
- if you foster parent, you go into it knowing that you’ll have that child for a season. but can have a great impact. – Susan Duke #icorphan#
- RT @charlestlee: Anyone else think @joshbottomly resembles @realrobbell? #ICOrphan 🙂 #icorphan#
Blogger’s Panel: The Online Activist and the Weary Reader
- RT @theideacamp: Great pic of @amberrunsamuck @WeareTHATfamily @bibledude in the bloggers breakout byhttp://yfrog.com/h2hivvij #icorphan#
- (since I was a part of this panel, I’ll follow-up with a full post with my thoughts on the discussion… coming soon!)
Preemptive Orphan Care & Development
- RT @quinonez: Are you really waiting on God? Or God really waiting on you? @charleslee #icorphan #fb #
- RT @kelciehuff: You don’t have to pray about whether to help orphans. It’s a Biblical mandate. @charlestlee #ICOrphan#
- RT @nattibeth: Love hearing the hearts of Emily & Moody Alexander at #ICOrphan @emilyalexhttp://plixi.com/p/80186455#
- RT @99balloonsorg: Abe is the greatest thing that ever happened to our family. Emily Alexander #icorphan Abe is missing large part of brain. #
- RT @EstherHavens: so cool! @aglimmerofhope getting lots of love on stage at #icorphan from Emily & Moody Alexander #
- how do we empower the indigenous church in (third world countries)? @cristinsmith #icoprhan#
- RT @DuaneChaffin: The “Good News” to those that are hungry is food @ cristinsmith #icorphan#
- RT @nicolewick: Economic, transformational development requires a multi-decade commitment and plan @cristinsmith @worldvision #icorphan#
- we support the orphan’s need to work and find value in themselves. @jscottbrown #icorphan#
- sustainability is what keeps me up at night. you can’t just start a program and expect it to run itself. @jscottbrown #icorphan#
- partnering with the local (indigenous) church is the only way to make our efforts sustainable. @jscottbrown #icorphan#
- RT @joshuasegraves: Just uploaded new photos to the #ICOrphan Flickr Page: http://t.co/nP0vHp0#
- the greatest limitation is access to education, resources, technology to grow food to sustain life. @mbrayster #icorphan#
- RT @slidingstairs: My fav part of #icorphan – hearing story after story of how God is using ordinary people to do what only He can. #
- “how does your work reveal Christ’s power over death in the life of the orphan?” @mbrayster #icorphan#
- food production is important, but we must also support the full supply chain models. @mbrayster #icorphan#
- RT @megantaylor312: “God, I’m not sure what the question is yet, but the answer is yes.” -Chris Thornton #ICOrphan#
- RT @sethhaines: I don’t want to artificially act. I want to be involved with the works set out for us. – Jody Farrel #ICOrphan#
[vimeo 12093789 nolink]
- don’t forget haiti: sidewalks (video) http://www.vimeo.com/12093789 #icorphan#
- RT @alonzodejesus: RT @theideacamp: Never sacrifice speed for sustainability – Elizabeth Styffe #ICOrphan#
- RT @DeborahSWest: what are we doing to help churches take children permanently into their home? @ElizabethStyffe #ICOrphan#
- RT @DeborahSWest: the greatest untapped resource – the person in the pew! don’t do what the local church can do! @ElizabethStyffe #ICOrphan#
- it’s not about money. it’s not about material things. we need personal involvement. @kidmiaorphans #icorphan#
- the focus on he family is important. it’s all about the family. @kidmiaorphans #icorphan#
- if they have no family, we still put them in the community. they keep the culture and identity. @kidmiaorphans #icorphan#
- RT @MeganInStones: Seek preservation of family, extended family, domestic, international adoption in that order. @kidmiaorphans #ICOrphan#
- see adoption launching in ethiopia… http://www.seedadoption.org/ #icorphan#
- RT @ronnerock: We think Western Church is the hope. But the Gospel through the GLOBAL church is the hope of the world. @DanCruver #icorphan#
Orphan Care for the Everyday Activist
- RT @jdfaddis: Great discussion going on in “Orphan Care and the Everyday Advocate” @bibledude #ICOrphan /// thanks! great to meet you! #
- (since I led this workshop, I’ll follow-up with a full post with the details of the session… coming soon!)
Closing Session
- NEW POST: #icorphan wrap-up [one of those rock moments]
- dude… i feel like i just finished a mission trip… you know, one those hard ones that changes you forever. #icorphan#
For more perspectives on adoption/orphan care check out what I’m sharing related to #icorphan.