major doctrines: inspiration of scripture

Written by Rev. Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father (bio and adopted). deacon and director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. president of fistbump media, llc.

November 16, 2008

For those that know me, then you probably know that I am working on completing my degree in Church Ministries right now. I am currently taking a Systematic Theology class, and am really enjoyed it! As a part of this class, I am doing a project for which I am creating a series of short 3-4 minute video on some of the major doctrines of Christianity. This first video is about the inspiration of scripture. In it I briefly discuss the various options for the documentation of the Biblical scriptures. Check it out, and let me know what you think…

[youtube QgETcEAOW3w Video :: Major Doctrines: Inspiration of Scripture]

Check out all of the videos on the playlist on YouTube.


  1. Rick Dawson

    Popeye the sailor in a video message on the Word? Traditionalists, move over 🙂

    A *minor* technical critique? The glare of the monitor on your glasses…

    Good job, Dan!

  2. Rick Dawson

    Popeye the sailor in a video message on the Word? Traditionalists, move over 🙂

    A *minor* technical critique? The glare of the monitor on your glasses…

    Good job, Dan!

  3. Dan King

    LOL! I am trying to keep the videos interesting with a little creative flare like that… And I hear you on the glare… I tried to keep my head turned enough so that it wouldn’t be an issue. I’ll have to keep playing with that, to see if there is some way that I can avoid that. Any suggestions? Hopefully it doesn’t take away from the message though!

    By the way, I love your blog! I added it to my blogroll, and will try to visit regularly to see what you are up to! Thanks!

  4. Dan King

    LOL! I am trying to keep the videos interesting with a little creative flare like that… And I hear you on the glare… I tried to keep my head turned enough so that it wouldn’t be an issue. I’ll have to keep playing with that, to see if there is some way that I can avoid that. Any suggestions? Hopefully it doesn’t take away from the message though!

    By the way, I love your blog! I added it to my blogroll, and will try to visit regularly to see what you are up to! Thanks!

  5. Dan King

    LOL! I am trying to keep the videos interesting with a little creative flare like that… And I hear you on the glare… I tried to keep my head turned enough so that it wouldn’t be an issue. I’ll have to keep playing with that, to see if there is some way that I can avoid that. Any suggestions? Hopefully it doesn’t take away from the message though!

    By the way, I love your blog! I added it to my blogroll, and will try to visit regularly to see what you are up to! Thanks!

  6. Rick Dawson

    Hey Dan…

    Great minds think alike (ok, so do mediocre ones, but the reasons are different) 🙂

    If you can see without the glasses on, or have contacts, that’s often a fine way to get around the issue. I know there are other ways in particular that videographers suggest – maybe Google for an answer?

    Thanks for the kind words on the blog – I was adding BibleDude at the same time you were adding Concept 53… like I said, great minds…oh, back in a rut of repetition I am 😀

    We’ll be back (me and the mouse that brought me here)…

  7. Rick Dawson

    Hey Dan…

    Great minds think alike (ok, so do mediocre ones, but the reasons are different) 🙂

    If you can see without the glasses on, or have contacts, that’s often a fine way to get around the issue. I know there are other ways in particular that videographers suggest – maybe Google for an answer?

    Thanks for the kind words on the blog – I was adding BibleDude at the same time you were adding Concept 53… like I said, great minds…oh, back in a rut of repetition I am 😀

    We’ll be back (me and the mouse that brought me here)…

  8. RickD335

    Popeye the sailor in a video message on the Word? Traditionalists, move over 🙂

    A *minor* technical critique? The glare of the monitor on your glasses…

    Good job, Dan!

  9. RickD335

    Hey Dan…

    Great minds think alike (ok, so do mediocre ones, but the reasons are different) 🙂

    If you can see without the glasses on, or have contacts, that’s often a fine way to get around the issue. I know there are other ways in particular that videographers suggest – maybe Google for an answer?

    Thanks for the kind words on the blog – I was adding BibleDude at the same time you were adding Concept 53… like I said, great minds…oh, back in a rut of repetition I am 😀

    We’ll be back (me and the mouse that brought me here)…

  10. Dan King

    LOL! Rick, you crack me up! Thanks for the pointers! I’ll google it, or do what my wife told me…. just put a piece of cardboard over the monitor. Anyway, I think my instructors are looking more for content anyway, so it should satisfy my requirements. But I will certainly do something different for future videos. Thanks!

  11. Dan King

    LOL! Rick, you crack me up! Thanks for the pointers! I’ll google it, or do what my wife told me…. just put a piece of cardboard over the monitor. Anyway, I think my instructors are looking more for content anyway, so it should satisfy my requirements. But I will certainly do something different for future videos. Thanks!

  12. Dan King

    LOL! Rick, you crack me up! Thanks for the pointers! I’ll google it, or do what my wife told me…. just put a piece of cardboard over the monitor. Anyway, I think my instructors are looking more for content anyway, so it should satisfy my requirements. But I will certainly do something different for future videos. Thanks!

  13. Carol

    When you spoke of the Scriptures being inspired fully by God and by man, I was reminded of these verses…

    1 Corin 13:9,10 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. 10But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

    (this is my understanding of it – I am not a scholar, just a nobody)

    Some think that our knowing “in part” and prophesying “in part” leaves room for human error and that is not so. Others think that it's 100% Spirit inspired but done in their “own styles” and again, I don't think is so.

    The standard is that 100% of prophesy must be correct, but in our fallen nature, we cannot fully understand and fully know these things until Christ comes – then we will know everything in full. So yes, the scriptures are written by man while being inspired by the Spirit. Much like the connection you made with Jesus being fully God and fully man.

    This next part is just my opinion. Please don't be upset by it, it's just my personal taste/observation of your video as a whole…

    As a whole I liked it. It was very nice until the very end when you had that screaming, hard rock/rapping song playing. To me, it takes away from your credibility. You have a very serious presence about you. To look at you and hear you speak, one would think that you are a wise man of many years. You seem level-headed,mature, and a natural leader. But then you put that screaming rapping music on and the picture I had of you is dashed into a million bits. In an instant, your credibility is gone. Suddenly, I picture you stage-diving in the middle of a mosh pit with people half your age. You seem to send mixed signals. Who are you trying to attract? The lay person and/or serious Bible student or the Christian who thinks Jesus is his homey and “kewl?”

    Again, please keep in mind that this is only my opinion. For all I know, that's exactly what you were going for. I hope you accept this in the spirit in which it was meant. 🙂

    God bless

  14. BibleDude

    Carol! Thanks for stopping by!

    I appreciate your feedback! And thank you for being honest! I can tell you that the music is just my style. That's who I am. It is a great song by TobyMac who has had a HUGE impact on the Christian music industry. He is someone who has not compromised, and even when the music industry told him (as the leader of DC Talk) to lay off on the Christian message in order to go more mainstream, his response was the song (and album) Jesus Freak which set the standard for Christian Rock and Rap over a decade ago. I understand that it may not be everyone's style, but it is my style and he is one of the artists that I've identified most with since becoming a Christian.

    My audience for this is mostly people like me. I am not about presenting a certain “image” in order to impress the mainstream. My audience is people like me who want to hear from people who are real and have a “funky” side to them.

    I'm not watering down the message, and staying true to who I am. I'm not about impressing people…

    I REALLY appreciate your thoughts on this though… You rock!

  15. Carol

    When you spoke of the Scriptures being inspired fully by God and by man, I was reminded of these verses…

    1 Corin 13:9,10 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. 10But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

    (this is my understanding of it – I am not a scholar, just a nobody)

    Some think that our knowing “in part” and prophesying “in part” leaves room for human error and that is not so. Others think that it's 100% Spirit inspired but done in their “own styles” and again, I don't think is so.

    The standard is that 100% of prophesy must be correct, but in our fallen nature, we cannot fully understand and fully know these things until Christ comes – then we will know everything in full. So yes, the scriptures are written by man while being inspired by the Spirit. Much like the connection you made with Jesus being fully God and fully man.

    This next part is just my opinion. Please don't be upset by it, it's just my personal taste/observation of your video as a whole…

    As a whole I liked it. It was very nice until the very end when you had that screaming, hard rock/rapping song playing. To me, it takes away from your credibility. You have a very serious presence about you. To look at you and hear you speak, one would think that you are a wise man of many years. You seem level-headed,mature, and a natural leader. But then you put that screaming rapping music on and the picture I had of you is dashed into a million bits. In an instant, your credibility is gone. Suddenly, I picture you stage-diving in the middle of a mosh pit with people half your age. You seem to send mixed signals. Who are you trying to attract? The lay person and/or serious Bible student or the Christian who thinks Jesus is his homey and “kewl?”

    Again, please keep in mind that this is only my opinion. For all I know, that's exactly what you were going for. I hope you accept this in the spirit in which it was meant. 🙂

    God bless

  16. BibleDude

    Carol! Thanks for stopping by!

    I appreciate your feedback! And thank you for being honest! I can tell you that the music is just my style. That's who I am. It is a great song by TobyMac who has had a HUGE impact on the Christian music industry. He is someone who has not compromised, and even when the music industry told him (as the leader of DC Talk) to lay off on the Christian message in order to go more mainstream, his response was the song (and album) Jesus Freak which set the standard for Christian Rock and Rap over a decade ago. I understand that it may not be everyone's style, but it is my style and he is one of the artists that I've identified most with since becoming a Christian.

    My audience for this is mostly people like me. I am not about presenting a certain “image” in order to impress the mainstream. My audience is people like me who want to hear from people who are real and have a “funky” side to them.

    I'm not watering down the message, and staying true to who I am. I'm not about impressing people…

    I REALLY appreciate your thoughts on this though… You rock!

  17. Carol

    When you spoke of the Scriptures being inspired fully by God and by man, I was reminded of these verses…1 Corin 13:9,10 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. 10But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.(this is my understanding of it – I am not a scholar, just a nobody)Some think that our knowing “in part” and prophesying “in part” leaves room for human error and that is not so. Others think that it's 100% Spirit inspired but done in their “own styles” and again, I don't think is so.The standard is that 100% of prophesy must be correct, but in our fallen nature, we cannot fully understand and fully know these things until Christ comes – then we will know everything in full. So yes, the scriptures are written by man while being inspired by the Spirit. Much like the connection you made with Jesus being fully God and fully man.This next part is just my opinion. Please don't be upset by it, it's just my personal taste/observation of your video as a whole…As a whole I liked it. It was very nice until the very end when you had that screaming, hard rock/rapping song playing. To me, it takes away from your credibility. You have a very serious presence about you. To look at you and hear you speak, one would think that you are a wise man of many years. You seem level-headed,mature, and a natural leader. But then you put that screaming rapping music on and the picture I had of you is dashed into a million bits. In an instant, your credibility is gone. Suddenly, I picture you stage-diving in the middle of a mosh pit with people half your age. You seem to send mixed signals. Who are you trying to attract? The lay person and/or serious Bible student or the Christian who thinks Jesus is his homey and “kewl?”Again, please keep in mind that this is only my opinion. For all I know, that's exactly what you were going for. I hope you accept this in the spirit in which it was meant. :)God bless

  18. BibleDude

    Carol! Thanks for stopping by!I appreciate your feedback! And thank you for being honest! I can tell you that the music is just my style. That's who I am. It is a great song by TobyMac who has had a HUGE impact on the Christian music industry. He is someone who has not compromised, and even when the music industry told him (as the leader of DC Talk) to lay off on the Christian message in order to go more mainstream, his response was the song (and album) Jesus Freak which set the standard for Christian Rock and Rap over a decade ago. I understand that it may not be everyone's style, but it is my style and he is one of the artists that I've identified most with since becoming a Christian. My audience for this is mostly people like me. I am not about presenting a certain “image” in order to impress the mainstream. My audience is people like me who want to hear from people who are real and have a “funky” side to them. I'm not watering down the message, and staying true to who I am. I'm not about impressing people…I REALLY appreciate your thoughts on this though… You rock!

  19. Jonas

    Good Morning Dan

    I thought the contact of your video was wonderful. I had trouble with the presentation. I kept wanting you to look at me and tell me how you you felt. I don't know much about videoing but suggest perhaps memorizing large portions of your presentation and making eye contact with the camera as much as possible.

    An alternative might be – don't face the camera at all. Set it at an angle and appear to give your presentation to someone off camera.

    Wishing your success. Your Uncle Jonas

  20. BibleDude

    Hey Jonas!
    I appreciate the feedback! It was my intent to look more into the camera, but that would have covered my glasses with glare from the monitor. I was turning just a bit to reduce that, but it still showed up as an issue (see Rick's comments above). I have a few more that I'll be posting here soon that the core video was all recorded the same way. Thanks!


  21. Jonas

    Good Morning DanI thought the contact of your video was wonderful. I had trouble with the presentation. I kept wanting you to look at me and tell me how you you felt. I don't know much about videoing but suggest perhaps memorizing large portions of your presentation and making eye contact with the camera as much as possible.An alternative might be – don't face the camera at all. Set it at an angle and appear to give your presentation to someone off camera. Wishing your success. Your Uncle Jonas

  22. Jonas

    Good Morning Dan

    I thought the contact of your video was wonderful. I had trouble with the presentation. I kept wanting you to look at me and tell me how you you felt. I don't know much about videoing but suggest perhaps memorizing large portions of your presentation and making eye contact with the camera as much as possible.

    An alternative might be – don't face the camera at all. Set it at an angle and appear to give your presentation to someone off camera.

    Wishing your success. Your Uncle Jonas

  23. BibleDude

    Hey Jonas!
    I appreciate the feedback! It was my intent to look more into the camera, but that would have covered my glasses with glare from the monitor. I was turning just a bit to reduce that, but it still showed up as an issue (see Rick's comments above). I have a few more that I'll be posting here soon that the core video was all recorded the same way. Thanks!


  24. Jonas

    Good Morning Dan

    I thought the contact of your video was wonderful. I had trouble with the presentation. I kept wanting you to look at me and tell me how you you felt. I don't know much about videoing but suggest perhaps memorizing large portions of your presentation and making eye contact with the camera as much as possible.

    An alternative might be – don't face the camera at all. Set it at an angle and appear to give your presentation to someone off camera.

    Wishing your success. Your Uncle Jonas

  25. BibleDude

    Hey Jonas!I appreciate the feedback! It was my intent to look more into the camera, but that would have covered my glasses with glare from the monitor. I was turning just a bit to reduce that, but it still showed up as an issue (see Rick's comments above). I have a few more that I'll be posting here soon that the core video was all recorded the same way. Thanks!Dan

  26. BibleDude

    Hey Jonas!
    I appreciate the feedback! It was my intent to look more into the camera, but that would have covered my glasses with glare from the monitor. I was turning just a bit to reduce that, but it still showed up as an issue (see Rick's comments above). I have a few more that I'll be posting here soon that the core video was all recorded the same way. Thanks!



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major doctrines: inspiration of scripture

by Rev. Dan King time to read: 1 min