the apostle paul in arabia

apostle paul, paul the apostle

Written by Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. president of fistbump media, llc.

September 4, 2008

I was recently awarded my Teaching Ministry Certificate from Sarasota Bible College. More than the accomplishment of earning it, I am grateful for the education that I have been through. Now, instead of being a student of the organization, I am an Instructor of Biblical and Ministerial Studies. This means that I have the opportunity to sow into other people’s lives as many have sowed into mine.

So on the day that I was awarded my certificate, I was also asked to share a 5-minute message about the Bible College. I thought it would be appropriate to do a sort of character study on the life of the Apostle Paul. Many people are not aware of this, but even though Paul was a very educated man, he still spent about three years after his conversion experience likely studying the (Old Testament) Scriptures and getting some New Testament revelation from Jesus. Check out this video of the study that I shared…

I challenge you just as I did my audience that day. What are you doing with your time after conversion (your time in Arabia)? How are you ensuring that your life has every bit of impact on the world around you that God created you to have?


  1. JES

    your address…(probably made years ago) is still valid. I am about to launch a study of Paul ..with the hope that we might find meaning for our own lives. I will use your last quote soon after our beginning. thanks

  2. BibleDude

    Hmmm… This is an interesting question! I'd have to dig a little bit about that one. I don't believe that the Bible names a specific location in Arabia.

    However, the fact that you mention Mt. Sanai being in Arabia is another issue. What is referred to today as Mt. Sanai and the Sanai Peninsula is (and was at that time) in Afrcia as a part of Egypt, not Arabia. There are some who believe that the real Mt. Sanai is actually in Arabia, and that could be a spot that Paul would have wanted to visit as he studied the Word in light of his new revelation of Christ.

    I have nothing to back that up right now, but it does make sense to me… I'll have to research it a bit more to be sure.

  3. josephmwalker

    do you know where exactly in arabia Paul spent those 3 years. my dad sais he believes he was at Mt. sinai. is there any documentation that you know of to back that up?

  4. BibleDude

    Hmmm… This is an interesting question! I'd have to dig a little bit about that one. I don't believe that the Bible names a specific location in Arabia.

    However, the fact that you mention Mt. Sanai being in Arabia is another issue. What is referred to today as Mt. Sanai and the Sanai Peninsula is (and was at that time) in Afrcia as a part of Egypt, not Arabia. There are some who believe that the real Mt. Sanai is actually in Arabia, and that could be a spot that Paul would have wanted to visit as he studied the Word in light of his new revelation of Christ.

    I have nothing to back that up right now, but it does make sense to me… I'll have to research it a bit more to be sure.

  5. hazel

     actually, im looking for the pictures of the apostles of Jesus and it was recorded and I will use for presentation. Thanks. God bless

  6. Mearns Pollock

    Paul’s retreat into Arabia after his conversion, after Jesus appeared to him. This is spooky. And did Mohammad go into Arabia after his Christian conversion. And this makes islam a sect of Christianity.

    • Dan King

      Sorry… not sure that I’m making the connection between the Apostle Paul spending time away in Arabia and Mohammad converting to Christianity…. I haven’t heard any of that before, and I don’t think that Islam could be a sect of Christianity since they don’t believe in a Triune God.


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the apostle paul in arabia

by Dan King time to read: 1 min