finding home in the episcopal church

finding home in the episcopal church

First, let me say that I'm grateful for my many years worshiping and serving in the non-denominational, charismatic church. But I think I've found home in the Episcopal Church. Everywhere I turn, I keep finding such incredible depth, tradition, and beauty. And I feel...

3 things i’m learning from being on church staff

3 things i’m learning from being on church staff

The first eight months have gone by really fast. And in that (short) time, I've been learning a lot in my first job being on church staff. I've done a lot over the years in a volunteer capacity, but there's something different about doing ministry in a (part-time)...

The Story That
Changed Everything



Just approved our @sundaycooltees order for the @cfdiocese #soulinthecity2024 trip for our youth (next week)! šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„

I'm looking forward to an amazing experience all week with them and doing some amazing work in downtown Orlando!

#cfdiocese #cfdioceseyouth #EYCmountdora #youtministry #youthmin #youthmissions
"One of the most important things Christians can do in the public square is to live and talk and post in such a way that demonstrates a calm confidence in the sovereignty of Jesus." 
-- Samuel D. James, Digital Liturgies: Rediscovering Christian Wisdom in an Online Age

Another GREAT nugget from my current reading. Just about halfway through, and I'm feeling like this is a really important book for the Church today.

#amreading #christianity #church #digitalliturgies
My sweet daughter had me wrapped around her finger the day she was born, and still knows how to keep me wrapped (13 years later)! šŸ„°

She's so incredibly thoughtful and caring. And she's so in tune with what makes people feel special... not just in general, but specifically for each person and what makes them feel good.

And today, she hit me with a super sweet card, and these cards of dad jokes.

I love being a dad. Of all my jobs in this life, that's the one I'm most proud of.

#fathersday #dadlife #dadofgirls #howtodad #happyfathersday #dadjokes #kingpartyof7
I'm only in the first chapter if Digital Liturgies (by Samuel D. James), and I'm already getting some major truth bombs!

I definitely see that one of our biggest cultural problems is that we're not finding our identities in who/what we are... "embodied creatures made in the image of God."

THAT is where we need to start. Anything else distorts reality. And, quite frankly, is a dangerous place to live.

Looking forward to seeing where this book goes...

#digitalliturgies #amreading #summerreading #christianity #christianbooks
I'm now officially a Candidate for Holy Orders, which means that the next thing up for me is actually scheduling my ordination ceremony (likely in September). 

It's been such a LONG journey (over 20 years), and I'm excited about where I've landed with all of this... The Sacred Order of Deacons in the Episcopal Church, a role so much more perfect for who I am than I ever could have imagined when I first felt called so many years ago.

I'm humbled and honored to be joining this amazing group of ministers, and I'm looking forward to serving the people and the Church in this way.

#cfdiocese #ministrylife #ordination #deacontraining #deacon #diaconate #episcopal
"We are here to speak truth and hope and life to people. And that message is going to counter what our culture would let us believe."

From my latest sermon, so I have sent them: a sermon on a reading from john 17 (link in bio).

#preaching #sermon #sermonnotes #engagedinculture #activistfaith #christianity #christianmissions



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A Message From Dan

What does it look like to live a Christian life? Like, TRULY live a Christian life? If I’m honest, I’m over the fake front of being a happy, blessed, and perfect person in order to impress others. Truth is, I’m a sinner who’s just trying to figure out how to do this without looking like an absolute fool. I think the Christian life is about admitting our brokenness, while raising our hand to say,”Here I am Lord! What would You have me do?” And that’s what this blog is all about… just a dude trying to do the best I can, and maybe hoping that you’re stumbling through the same journey. Maybe we can walk together.

Dan King

speaker. author. blogger.