while you are waiting: a sermon on a reading from 2 peter 3
Note: This sermon was delivered during the Eucharist for a class of ministry students studying for ordination to the diaconate, using the readings for Advent 2, Year B. the reading: 2 Peter 3:8-15a Do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is...
#thatsmyking: a sermon for Christ the King sunday This is the last week of a season in the liturgical calendar that we call “ordinary time.” The Episcopal Church defines Ordinary time as being, “understood in terms of the living out of Christian faith and the meaning...
jesus stands for stephen: a sermon on a reading from acts 7
The Reading: Acts 7:55-60 Filled with the Holy Spirit, Stephen gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. “Look,” he said, “I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!” But they covered...
finding home in the episcopal church
First, let me say that I'm grateful for my many years worshiping and serving in the non-denominational, charismatic church. But I think I've found home in the Episcopal Church. Everywhere I turn, I keep finding such incredible depth, tradition, and beauty. And I feel...
@ bibledude . Jan 30
Peter`s epic mic drop: Who else has the words of life? 💬🙏 #FaithJourney #IdentityInChrist

@ bibledude . Jan 17
Got a cool Carolina Chickadee stopping by to say "hi" this morning at the feeder and put on a little show.
Just got this bird feeder with the camera in it to get video of the birds... complete with bird recognition.
And I guess that says something about my age... but it really is pretty cool watching the birds come by and eat!
I can`t wait for Spring when the birds get REALLY active in our backyard.
#birdsofinstagram #birdwatching #carolinachickadee #lakecountyfl #amigettingold

@ bibledude . Jan 12
St. Ignatius of Loyola is known for starting the Jesuit Order, and for his Spiritual Exercises that were all about drawing us closer to God.
One of his exercises was a form of daily prayer called Examen. It`s daily prayer used to help us see where God is active in our lives and opening us up to allowing Hom to work in us in the coming day.
It`s a powerful form of prayer that can be done at the end (or beginning) of each day, helping us grow closer to God and develop into the fullness of Life that He calls us to.
That`s what we studied with the youth today, and they loved learning about this centuries-old prayer form!
#EYCmountdora #cfdioceseyouth #episcopalyouth #youthmin #youthgroup #prayer #contemplative

@ bibledude . Jan 7
New sermon (text only) now posted on the blog!
"As we take this time today to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, may we encounter Christ in this place tonight. May we recognize God in the child who was born among us to be our Savior. When we see that Light, may we be changed forever by it. And I pray that we reflect that Light to those around us, wherever we go.
Arise, church! And shine! For your Light has come. The glory of the Lord has risen upon you!"
#epiphany #isaiah60 #sermon #sermonnotes #ampreaching #episcopalian #wisemen

@ bibledude . Dec 30
First webinar of the year is going to be 🔥🔥🔥! Register at or DM me for the details.
#smallbusiness #businessowner #businesscoach #webinar #digitalmarketing #businessgrowth #businessstrategy

@ bibledude . Dec 30
My view from behind the altar with a nearly packed chapel at @campwingmann while we were singing the Lord`s Prayer during the #eucharist.
What an amazing experience help lead these youth in worship this morning and delivering the sermon wrapping up our Winter Camp experience together!
So. Good.
#cfdioceseyouth #cfdiocese #EYCmountdora #SEEKmountdora #episcopalyouth #youthministry #firstsundayofchristmas

@ bibledude . Dec 29
A wonderful night of worship at @campwingmann with @_amyyyates and @kbbartle. First with Amy leading all of the youth and children together, followed by a beautiful time of compline prayer with Rev Kev bringing in a special Silent Night for the Christmas season.
Winter Camp has been a special time for all of us this year, and this was an amazing way cap it all off on our last night.
It`s always inspiring to see young people pour out their hearts to God like this. I feel like I have a front row seat to watching a generation that`s going to rock this world for Christ.
And I`m so grateful to be able to stand alongside other great leaders who are helping set the tone for these youth.
#cfdioceseyouth #cfdiocese #EYCmountdora #SEEKmountdora #episcopalyouth #youthministry #episcopalchurch

@ bibledude . Dec 25
It`s been a beautiful Christmas Eve at @stedwardsepiscopal! The kids did really well with their pageant, singing Happy Birthday Jesus, and then we enjoyed hot cocoa and cookies... complete with "snow" outside!
We`re blessed to have such an amazing church community!
Merry Christmas, from the King family to you and yours!
#EYCmountdora #SEEKmountdora #merrychristmas🎄 #kingpartyof7

@ bibledude . Dec 23
JUST LAUNCHED! I`ve just released a new 5-week small group study on the five commitments in the Baptismal Covenant. You can get it at... (or link in bio)
It`s a study that I put together and conducted with the youth at @stedwardsepiscopal, but it`s not just for youth, and it`s not just for #episcopalian churches.
The study dives into five key areas of what the Christian life should look like.
Check it out!
#biblestudy #christian #bookofcommonprayer #baptismalcovenant #EYCmountdora #youthministry #youthmin #youthgroup #smallgroup

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A Message From Dan
What does it look like to live a Christian life? Like, TRULY live a Christian life? If I’m honest, I’m over the fake front of being a happy, blessed, and perfect person in order to impress others. Truth is, I’m a sinner who’s just trying to figure out how to do this without looking like an absolute fool. I think the Christian life is about admitting our brokenness, while raising our hand to say,”Here I am Lord! What would You have me do?” And that’s what this blog is all about… just a dude trying to do the best I can, and maybe hoping that you’re stumbling through the same journey. Maybe we can walk together.

Dan King
speaker. author. blogger.