Sitting there in the darkened room while the book study DVD rolled on the screen to my right, I experienced the most jarring realization. We've been doing it all wrong. Since my children were babies, we've practiced the folding of hands for prayers--tucking fingers...
spiritual practice
Life of Worship
lessons mom never shared
Storm clouds roll in thick, billowy and dark, blowing small branches and leaves across the field of wildflowers where butterflies make their habitat, laying flat the flowers and thicket on which they find their life and breath. One butterfly frail and tattered lays...
when our prayers don’t add up
“The words started out comforting enough,” Cheryl told me. “My friend told me how sorry she was that I’d lost my job. But then she proceeded to tell me that I must be praying wrong. And that if I was praying in faith and trusting God to provide for us, I’d have a job...
craving desperation
When’s the last time you've been truly desperate for something? A love returned, a paycheck to provide food for your family, or maybe for God to return a wayward child? You can hardly breathe due to the tension wrapping its gnarly fingers around you. You find yourself...
breath by breath
I am wound too tight by schedules and piles these days while quiet lingers...
rainy day resistance
Wearing her pink and green pajama pants and an overcoat, she scuffs through...
does gratitude drip from your lips?
All moments funnel into one, swirl faster in eye-blurring fury and...
the flip side of sadness
Last night I had some company. First to show up in my dream was my cousin...