spiritual practice


Life of Worship
when our prayers don’t add up

when our prayers don’t add up

“The words started out comforting enough,” Cheryl told me. “My friend told me how sorry she was that I’d lost my job. But then she proceeded to tell me that I must be praying wrong. And that if I was praying in faith and trusting God to provide for us, I’d have a job...

craving desperation

craving desperation

When’s the last time you've been truly desperate for something? A love returned, a paycheck to provide food for your family, or maybe for God to return a wayward child? You can hardly breathe due to the tension wrapping its gnarly fingers around you. You find yourself...

breath by breath

breath by breath

I am wound too tight by schedules and piles these days while quiet lingers always out of grasp, and so many bodies in tight spaces can overwhelm a heart longing for reverberation. His voice, it seems, comes to me like pond ripples, such a subtle vibration that I’m...

rainy day resistance

rainy day resistance

Wearing her pink and green pajama pants and an overcoat, she scuffs through the kitchen into the garage. Kicks off her fuzzy slippers and pushes her feet into dirty garden shoes; balancing one foot at a time while holding her camera inside a plastic grocery bag. “What...

The Story That
Changed Everything

