@theideacamp gender week wrap-up [#ICSEX]

Written by Rev. Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father (bio and adopted). deacon and director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. president of fistbump media, llc.

August 18, 2010

I’d first like to start with an apology. My mission trip to Haiti impaired my ability to keep up with certain aspects of this project more that I anticipated.

Nonetheless, there were some incredible posts that came in!

This week was GENDER WEEK, the third of the six-week series of discussions on various sex-related topics.

As you look through each of the posts in this series, I hope that you see a bit of a trend emerging. At first glance it would seem that the posts are overly skewed towards the discussion of female gender roles and issues. However, I definitely learned a great deal about what it means to be a man… and yes, even (umm.. especially) while reading the posts about women.

Here’s a quick recap of the posts that we saw come in this week:

  • On Being a Woman
    Suzie Lind kicks us off a little early by asking her readers, “What do you think it means to be a woman?”
  • Oh, Eve
    Suzie Lind continues her discussion with a focus on women walking in redemption rather than walking in the fall.
  • women Asian American Christian ministry leaders
    DJ Chuang discuses the impact that women (particularly Asian American women) have in the church today. While this post wasn’t tagged as being a part of this project, it is very relevant to the discussion.
  • Men become better men in the company of Good Men
    Dan Rodriguez briefly discuses details of his workshop for #ICSEX in Las Vegas! It sounds like it’ll be a very interesting discussion!
  • Fearfully & Wonderfully Made
    Suzie Lind continues her series by talking about how God used women throughout the Bible as instruments of redemption.
  • Raising Women
    Sarah Markley talks about being a woman who is raising girls. She struggles with the question about how to teach them something that she’s still learning herself.
  • Mad Men
    Suzie Lind shared this link to a post by a co-worker that seemed relevant to our #ICSEX Gender Week discussion. While this is not officially tagged as being a part of this blogging series, it provides an interesting perspective on gender roles in ministry.
  • #ICSEX – What is a Man?
    Seiji Yamashita discusses his personal struggles in doing what society would say it takes to become a man, and in the processes begins to answer the questions about what it really means to be one.
  • a hermeneutic on gender and ministry [#ICSEX]
    Dan King (me) looks to exegetical study of the scripture to help us understand controversial issues like, ‘women don’t talk in church’.
  • Gender Preference, Exclusion, or Oppression?
    Charles Lee (our fearless @theideacamp leader) talks about being intentional about diversity, especially as it relates to including women in our work/ministry.

Let’s keep this conversation going… Which of these posts impacted you the most? Why? What other perspectives on gender do you think are important to share/consider?

Coming up next: Orientation – Week beginning Sunday, August 22nd
Same-sex attraction is likely one of the most controversial issues that the church deals with today. Is it okay to be gay/lesbian and be a Christian? More importantly how should the church respond to people who live with same-sex attraction? This discussion will focus on reconciliation… with the Word AND with people. This is a good opportunity to build a bridge to those who have been alienated by the church for a very long time. If you’re interested in participating in this conversation, then let us know in the comments or contact @bibledude on Twitter.

Are you enjoying this conversation? Then consider coming to !C//SEX Las Vegas on 9.27.10. Register now! And if you comment on this post, then I’ll send you a special 10% discount registration code!


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@theideacamp gender week wrap-up [#ICSEX]

by Rev. Dan King time to read: 3 min